If I Don't Come Back, Don't Come Lookin

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This chapter takes place after Season 5 but before Season 6. However it may contain spoilers for Season 6. I am not responsible for spoilers in the comments.

Knocking is common courtesy when you arrive at someone's house. You don't just let yourself in, and you most certainly don't do so without announcing your presence. Above all else, you never, under any circumstances, do so in the house of someone with a loaded gun.

Marley did all of the above.

She didn't want to get shot, but she really didn't feel like doing the whole dramatic reveal in the doorway thing. Instead, she figured she'd go to his study and they could get all the awkward drama out there. But the study was empty. She took a deep breath and focused her hearing. Her head tilted at the creaking, grinding sound. A wrench- he was working on a car out back.

She made her way back outside, repeating what Crowley had told her over and over again in her head. She had to convince Bobby to stop looking, stop poking the bear because... she had to. As far as she was concerned she didn't have a choice.

Her knuckles rapped against the trunk of the car before her hands went into hiding in her pockets. She rocked back and forth on her heels as she waited for Bobby to emerge from beneath the car.

"Give me a second." Bobby let out a huff, and Marley cocked her head- who did he think she was? "It's like I told you on the phone, Crowley isn't giving away anything, and I don't have anything to make him talk." He started wheeling himself on the board out from underneath the car. "So until we get some leverage, Marley is-"

Look. She didn't want the dramatic reveal, but she would happily take funny reveal. So she took her best guess as to who Bobby was talking about.

"Being a stand-in for Dean apparently." She smirked at the old man who lay gaping at her from his position on the ground. "I mean I know we've got our similarities, but we are not the same person. My gosh can you imagine if I was just the girl version of him?" Marley fake gagged. "No one needs that story."

Bobby made no response, he just slowly got to his feet, never taking his eyes off of her. Marley took slight offense to this as she felt her comment deserved at least a chuckle. His eyes scanned her up and down, but he made no move to go towards her, anxiety rolling off him in waves.

"Any of that yours?" His voice was quiet, as if he wasn't sure he wanted to know the answer.

Marley glanced down as he gestured to her, and she realized she was still covered in blood. It had completely slipped her mind that less than an hour ago she had murdered a room full of demons. Huh. Weird. Not important right now.

"This? No." She looked up at Bobby, a smirk growing on her face. "This belongs to a variety of demons."

Confusion mixed with what looked like hope crossed the old man's face. "You escaped?"

A laugh tumbled across her lips as she shook her head. "No, I uh, I killed 20 demons."

A wariness crept into Bobby's eyes. "You can kill demons now?"

"Yeah, kinda awesome right?" She offered a small smile, but Bobby didn't return it, he just looked at her, so she tried to get him to see the light. "A month ago you would have been celebrating the death of so many demons."

"A month ago you weren't under the orders of a demon."

The smile on her face faltered for a moment. She didn't know how to convince him to not look for her. It was very much a family trait they all seemed to share- not giving up on people, somehow remaining untouchable giving them a sense of invincibility. But she had to find a way.

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