You've Got A Friend In Me

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This chapter takes place after Season 5 but before Season 6. However it may contain spoilers for Season 6. I am not responsible for spoilers in the comments.

Another day down, only 3,564 days to go... that was if Marley was still keeping track- which she wasn't. It had been a little over two months, and she had long since given up on keeping track of how long she'd been there, how long she had left, and the hope that doing so had given her.

The bleakness of the hallways that were close to her room were a welcome change from those that she used whenever she had to use one of the doorways to Hell. Crossroads level demons and higher could poof to and from Hell and anywhere on earth. If a demon was feeling nice, they would give her a lift back down to Hell or to whatever town her victim was in— which is to say that she never got a lift. Not that she wanted to be any more a demon than she was, but she wouldn't completely hate to have that in her power set. The hallways she had to walk through were filled with screams of agony and terror that she could not stop her acutely tuned ears from hearing, no matter how hard she tried to block out the noise. And if she didn't keep her head down, then she would end up seeing the hellish nightmares every time her eyes closed, which thankfully with her lack of sleep only happened every time she blinked.

But those hallways were behind her for now. All she had left was the infinite twists and turns that she would have gotten lost in multiple times if it hadn't been for her sense of smell. Now, she could have done it blindfolded if she wasn't paranoid about a demon trying to pull something. Then again, they hadn't yet, in fact they seemed to avoid her.

She was a mere 41 turns from the hole she resided in whenever she wasn't by Crowley's side or doing his bidding... so not very often. No matter how many times she had walked the route, nothing had ever changed, which she was extremely grateful for considering there were 93 turns she took to get there. But something was different now. A scent filled her nose that she hadn't smelled in the entirety of her time there. A smell that she would have recognized anywhere. A smell that compelled her feet to move on a path that she did not know. A smell that had her looking into a room who's door was weirdly open. No door was ever left open. As she stared through the open doorframe, it was confirmed.


Her heart ached at the smell. Her time in Hell must have made her slightly insane as the image in front of her changed, a memory replacing the demon cooking over a stove.

"Stop it!"

Dean swatted her hand away from him without turning around. He was currently busy at the stove, attempting to fry bacon in a skillet, but was struggling to do so. Marley was behind him, constantly poking him in the sides. Another jab to his ribs and he twisted his body slightly to try and avoid it.

"I know you're ticklish."

"I'm really not." Dean's voice was slightly annoyed, but it was still laced with humor.

"I just have to find where."

Marley followed this with several quick pokes to his sides in rapid succession. A smile made its way onto Dean's face despite his best efforts. The next time her finger found his ribs, his hand moved in the same way he had been to get her to knock it off, except this time he snatched her hand. As he spun around to face her, he grabbed her other hand so that they both resided in his own.

Marley tilted her head back slightly to look at him, her eyes narrowing, and her voice coming out far too serious for the situation. "I was getting close wasn't I?"

Dean scrunched his nose slightly. "No, not really."

A smirk played on his lips as he leaned down and kissed her. It was a quick kiss, but Marley still found herself smiling up at him, searching his green eyes in confusion.

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