Another One Bites the Dust (Soon)

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Disclaimer: Any science stuff referenced in this chapter is completely bull-crapped and should not be taken seriously or believed to be true.

The blaring of an alarm clock at 6:00 AM was the normal wake up call for Marley, and today was no different. She groaned into her pillow and reached over to smash the stupid thing. But she stopped herself, knowing that if she asked for her third alarm clock this month, they would kill her. Instead she opted for unceremoniously yanking the chord from the outlet. Immediately the beeping ceased and Marley rolled off the bed forcing herself to stand. She shook her head quickly trying to clear the sleep from her head.

And then began the morning routine. Make the bed. Eat bacon. Brush teeth. Brush hair. Throw hair into ponytail. Get dressed into the regulation uniform of a gray T-shirt and cargo pants. Eat more bacon. Head towards first station.

There were four different stations that the soldiers were required to attend every day. Sparring, weight training, weapons training, and stealth. Sparring was the soldiers practicing fighting each other in order to improve their skills and learn defensive and offensive maneuvers. There was no reward or punishment if you won or lost, just serious bragging rights and honestly that was the only incentive needed.
Weight training is what it sounds like, improve your strength by lifting weights. However there were also cardio machines to, well you know, do cardio stuff on. It was a pretty leisurely station and by leisurely I mean that you could do whatever you wanted, but if you were slacking, the wrath of the instructor would rain down upon you. But it was the one station you could listen to music at so that was a serious plus.
Weapons training. Again pretty self explanatory. Basically every weapon you could imagine from arrows to nunchucks to a simple hand gun. For Marley the instructors were told to focus on hand guns and knives with her as these were the most inconspicuous weapons and that was what she was engineered for.
Stealth training. Possibly Marley's favorite. It was all about infiltration, interrogation, blending in, and going completely unnoticed by people and cameras. This was a skill that Marley coveted even outside of training. People annoyed her and she preferred to be a (excuse the pun) lone wolf.

First station for Marley today was weight training. She already had her earbuds in and was blasting Rock of Ages. She was about to enter the weight room when a hand yanked her earbuds out. It took every ounce of energy in her to suppress punching the man as she turned around. But he was her superior, so instead she stood with a blank expression on her face.

"You're going to destroy your eardrums with your awful music. If you're going to blast music at least pick decent songs." Marley clenched her jaw. An insult to her music was like a slap to the face. "Thought you were supposed to have super hearing."

"Yes sir." The growl rose in her throat but she stifled it.

"Mm. Yeah well the boss wants to see you."

"Yes sir."

"Good girl." He patted the top of her head like a dog.

If he wanted to treat her like a dog than shouldn't she be allowed to bite him like one?

But Marley once again showed amazing control as she refrained herself from ripping out his spine to use as a pogo stick. All the soldiers treated her like crap. Whether it was jealousy or hatred or just for pure enjoyment, they all pounced on the fact that she wasn't completely human.

But Marley just turned and walked away. She wasn't sure want the boss could possibly want. They had the debrief yesterday. And her missions were strictly killing really bad people who were hurting society and the occasional person who was about to jeopardize the company, which didn't happen a ton but still more often than one would think. But back to back like this was bizarre.

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