Adventures In Babysitting

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Spoiler Warning: Based on Season 3 Episode 3. Read at your own risk. I am not responsible for spoilers in comments.

Marley was once again neck deep in books on the supernatural. After she had that demon possess her, she realized how real it all was. Yes she had been captured by werewolves, but those were similar enough to her that she accepted it. But demons? That was a little outside her comfort zone. Plus there was the fact that in the past few weeks she had encountered a psycho hunter, a pack of werewolves, and been possessed by a demon. She wasn't stupid, she was coming in contact with too much weird stuff in too short of a time. Ever since she had met Ellen and the boys. After a lot of thought, she began to seriously think about what Bobby had said. How once somebody got into the life of monsters, they didn't get out, and considering she was a monster, she figured she was pretty much stuck. So here she was, reading all about monsters. She still moved around from city to city to avoid any of the company soldiers, but for the time being it seemed like they were leaving her alone. Currently she was reading up on vampires and trying to discern between fact and fiction.

The silence of the library was shattered as a phone began ringing. Everyone in the library snapped their heads up and tried to locate the source of the obnoxious sound. All eyes landed on the wacko sitting behind a stack of books that shouldn't have been opened unless someone was looking for ideas for a realistic Halloween costume or was an angsty teenager going through a Twilight phase.

"Crap." Marley muttered.

She stood up and walked out of the library ignoring the stares. She left the books on the table and pushed open the door to the outside world where the monsters didn't just exist in books. She flipped open the phone.

"What, do you have me on speed dial now Sammy?"

"It's Dean."

Marley stopped in her tracks. "Well this is unexpected. When I gave you a favor I didn't expect you to cash it in so quickly."

"Yeah, in case you forgot I'm kind of on a clock, figured I'd better cash it in while I still have the chance."

"I feel like I should just take a moment to revel in the fact that Dean Winchester is asking for my help. I mean-"

"Like I said, I'm on a clock." Dean snapped.

"Alright alright. Whatcha want?"

"I need you to come to us in Black Rock, New York. There's a motel on East 5th Avenue, that's where we'll be. And I need you here now."

"Okay I'm over in Ohio right now so I should be able to get there in under 5 hours. What am I going to be doing exactly?"

"Sam's in a heap of trouble and he-" Dean paused and sucked in his lips. He wasn't ready to admit he needed backup, especially when it came to helping his brother. "Look I'll explain when you get here. Just hurry up."

He clicked the phone shut and looked behind him in to the car where his brother was sitting. They were about to head over to the apartment of the henchman that had stolen the foot in the first place. He hated to call in that stupid favor, but he was gonna need all the help he could get to keep his brother from dying, and that, that he could stifle his pride for.


"Thanks Bobby." Dean snapped his phone shut as he turned the impala into the entrance of a motel. "Alright  Bobby's got it on pretty good authority that this Bela chick lives in Queens. So it'll take me about two hours to get there."

Sam glanced around at the motel. "So what are we doing then?"

"You, my brother, are staying here, cause I don't want your bad luck getting us killed."

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