33 | Apparition

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Luna •

"Luna! Push!" the midwife yelled out as Luna felt more and more contractions hitting her all at once. "Two more pushes."

Luna lifted her phone and tried to speak to Sammy, but he was out in a desert somewhere, and the connection was spotty.

"Sam! Can you hear me?"

"Yeah. Luna . . . Luna. You're doing great. You've got this."

"AHH!!!" The painful sensation was strong and almost difficult to keep going. But Luna felt her baby kick. "Sam . . . Sam . . . Serena just kicked."

"She's ready to see the world. I'm ready to meet my Sarah."

"Ser . . . en . . . a. I am naming her Serena, Samuel Davidson."

"Okay. Okay. We'll discuss her name whenever I'm home."

He smiled joyfully and had his camera facing the front where she could see what was going on around him.

"Where are you?" Luna asked, still pushing and trying to distract herself from feeling the agony of childbirth.

"One more push!"

She struggled to push her out. Luna was fathomed about how natural childbirth had been done for many centuries. It was excruciating and exhausting for her. 

"Sam. Sarah is almost here," she told him. 

"I'm so happy," he said. His shiny blond hair sparkled in the bright sunlight. "Once I meet with a doctor inside this mosque, I'll get his opinion, and then be on my way back to you both." 

"Okay!" Luna squeezed harder and felt the baby coming. The midwife looked up and smiled at her. 

"You're crowning!"

Luna nodded, relieved.



"What's the doctor's name?" she asked him, in case the doctor could help him with his tumor. 

"He's a scientist who specializes in cases like mine, who could offer his expertise to my doctor back home. I'm meeting someone with the last name Khan." 

"Oh . . . kay." Luna couldn't believe she was talking to Sammy on a video call and giving birth at the same time. Ten minutes later, their daughter was coming out. 

"Did I just hear her cry?" Sam asked through the phone, a tear coming down his cheek. 

Luna threw her head back, relieved Sarah made it and was finally here.

Luna's midwife cleaned Sarah up and swaddled her, then handed the baby into her mother's arms while she cleaned around the area. 

Looking into the camera, Luna smiled and said, "Samuel Davidson. Meet your newborn baby daughter, Sarah Marie." 

His eyes filled with tears and he sobbed, looking so pale and saddened by not being there for her birth. "Sarah? You named her after my mother?"

"I did. I wanted her to be named after Serena from Gossip Girl, but she is more of a Sarah to me, and this is your mother's namesake. She died not long after giving birth to you. Our daughter should have her name."

Tethered Souls | Books 1, 2, and 3Where stories live. Discover now