Chapter 1

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I used to have four best friends and I used to do everything for them.

I helped Diego with his stutter spending hours just talking about the craziest things. I tried to keep Ben as same as possible. We were always trading books after we had read them and at dinner, we would compare books under the table giving them ratings out of 10 fingers. I took Klaus under my wing at a very young age and I vowed to never let him out of my sight, he's like having a five-year-old kid. I brought Jacquie back and in return, she took my age. It was a fair price to pay for the number of times she's saved my life. She could only be seen by people with broken souls.

Turning eighteen was the best thing that happened to me in years. I was finally out of that lab I was forced to call home and now I was free to do whatever I wanted.

"Ynnnnnnn. I need your help."

Or not. I spin around to come face to face with Klaus who looked very high. This was Reginald's fault. That horrible man never knew when to stop and it fucked up Klaus. It ruined us all but that was no excuse for the horrible people we became.

"What do you need Klaus?"

"I'm going to the club. Come with me pweaseeeee."

How could I say no to him? Well, quite easily it's just one word but I owed it to Ben to keep Klaus safe. I can't help but wonder what would have happened if I had died instead of Ben. I knew the answer, nobody would care compared to everyone else I was nothing just a worthless girl with the power to start a war.

"Fine but only to keep you safe."

"Awww so the emotionless sister does have feelings."

I stick my hand out for a cab and turn to my right to see Diego getting into a cab as well. The least I could do was wave goodbye. So after earning a small wave back from Diego Klaus and I hop into the cab. Diego was kind in his own way but him and Luther cant get the idea of being a leader out of their heads.

"You know what Yn"


"I always shipped you with Five but..."

"Don't say that name, please."

"... Now I see you with Diego."

"No. Now stop pushing your luck or I will get this cab to turn around."

Klaus went quiet and stayed that way the rest of the cab drive with the occasional snore but it's Klaus so no surprise. His headrest on my shoulder and I look at the tired boy and for a second I forgot everything that's happened to us.

"We are here mam."

I look out the window to see a bright sign saying "shrink and drink" this feels like it's going to be a long night. I grab Klaus and picture being inside the bar. The bar was rather bright in my opinion but nobody really cares for that.

"A warning next time Yn dear."

"There will not be a next time Klaus. Now let me down my body weight in shots."

Klaus laughs and goes looking for a dealer which I should probably stop him from doing but he's an adult now he should be fine. I was on my tenth shot when Klaus gets dragged towards me by two huge men. I knew I wasn't drunk because of my stupid powers so when I see Klaus's black eye I got prepared to kill these men. Rule one of looking after Klaus, never leave him alone.

"Do you know this boy?"

"That happens to be my brother and I would let him go if I were you."

The two men scoff and throw Klaus at me. I catch the poor boy who is now shaking thanks to these assholes. He may look 2 years older than me but Klaus is definitely the baby brother and these men just messed with the wrong older sister.

Love Me Still (Five X reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora