Chapter 30

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Fives pov

I found out that Diego was locked in a looney bin which made me laugh a bit but I was still worried for Yn. I can't lose her. Diego walks into the room and looks pissed.


"Hey diego. You look good in white."

"About time you showed up."

"How'd you know I'd be back?"

"Because that's the kind of shit you pull."

I have only pulled this twice! And it's saved our families lives. My family is so ungrateful.

"Where are the others?"

"They aren't with you?"

"We'll find them"

"Thats what Yn said. Haven't seen her since."

He's seen Yn maybe he knows how she is! What if she's met someone else? What if she hates me for getting her trapped here?

"Is she okay?"

"As I said haven't seen her since."

"How long have you been here?"

"Seventh five days. Yn got here seventy four days ago. You?"

"I got here this morning."

"How'd you find me?"

"Page 16 disturbed man W multiple knives arrested outside 1026 n Beckley. Thats Lee Harvey Oswald house. Care to explain?"

"Let's just say Dallas law enforcement has not been supportive of my attempt  to stop the assassination of JFK"

"Thats because it hasn't happened yet."

"And it's not going to happen. Not on my watch. Look I've been shaving down the bars in my room. Another day or two I'll be out of this place then I'm gonna stop Oswald's and save the president. You want in say the word."

"Listen to me very closely you gibbering moron. You are not going to do a goddamn thing."

"Why not?"

"Because we have to stop the apocalypse."

"No shit but that doesn't happen for another 60 years."

"Not that apocalypse this is a new one. It followed us I've seen it. Nuclear war in 10 days."

"And I'm the one they locked up. Fine I'll play along what causes it?"

"Yns death..."

"No that's not possible. Did you see it?"

It's good to know that I'm not the only one who cares about Yn. Don't get me wrong when we were younger I would kill him for being this worried for her but now I realise they are just real siblings.

"I'm glad I didn't."

"Okay I'll help but only because we both love her after I save Kennedy."

"She could be dead by then!"

Well then you can always swing us back a few days save her then a few decades back slit Hitler's throat with a butter knife. Plus it's Yn we're talking about she can handle anything."

"This is why you don't have any friends. You know what? Guards! My brother is plotting an escape. The bars in his room have been shaved down."

"Piece of shit!"

"This is for your own good Diego."

"No! Five! Yn will be so pissed at you! I'm her favourite!"

"Mhmm sure. Listen my brother is a very sick man. I only pray he gets the help he so desperately needs." I lean down to Diego's ear making sure he hears me. "I've told you this when we were younger and I'll tell you again now. Yn will always be my priority not you, not father, Yn.

"And yet you left her. No please no the needle no no."

I left feeling guilty about leaving but at the same time if I didn't then we wouldn't be alive right now. Everyone's acting like this is my fault. I feel like if I leave again nobody would even notice... Not even Yn.

I walk into Elliot's house and find out where Luther should be. If I stop the apocalypse myself then maybe my siblings will finally be happy with me.

I sit down at the bar drinking a drink and looking at some girl picturing it's Yn instead.

"Come to finally help?"

"Nice to see you too Luther. Now stop hovering like an ambitious striper and sit down with me. How long have you been here?"

"A year thanks to you."

"I'm sorry Luther I know that couldn't have been easy."

"I thought everyone was dead then a week ago Yn appears and fills me in on Diego and Allison's current states. I gotta go."

"Luther wait. You saw Yn is she okay?"

"She's fine now I have to leave."

I guess I have to try and be nice.

"Luther I get it okay I know what it's like to be stuck in time thinking how your gonna live the rest of your life on the run and not knowing if youre ever gonna see the people you love again. And to be in an unfamiliar world but Luther your not alone. We have to find the others because the world ends in ten days and I have no idea how to stop it."

"I don't give a shit."

"The hell is wrong with you Luther I just told you the world is gonna end in ten days."

"Yeah well your always saying that. Plus I'm sure Yn can help you since your so in love with her."

"So far I've been right. We need the umbrella academy at full force."

"Look you wanna save the world. Knock yourself out all right. I already got a job."

"Wait you work in this shithole?"

"Well my boss owns the place. I'm his body man."

"What is that like a masseuse or somethin?"

"Okay you can make fun of it all you want but I take good care of Mr Ruby."

'Wait Ruby? The Jack Ruby the gangster who shot Oswald?"

"Yn called him a try hard vigilante or something but your both right. Your girlfriend's got a secret by the way."

It finally happened the gorilla DNA has taken over your mind."

I try to avoid the Yn part of his sentence. What could she be hiding and why would she hide it from me?

"Hey watch it all right. Jack's a good friend."

"And you're number 1. Número Uno. Remember?"

"There is no number 1. Not anymore. Yn took that from me. Plus I've been here alone for a year what did you expect?"

"Look I get it all right. You watched logo die, the world exploded and i marooned your big dumb ass in time. I'm sorry okay but I'm asking for your help Luther. The umbrella academy needs you."

"It doesn't need me. It never did."

"Luther honey jacks about to lose it on some halfwit. A little help?"

"Luther wait."

"Listen. You're the genius who said we should jump. Right? You're the one who got us stuck here and your the one who brought Vanya. So if there is a doomsday comings she's probably the cause. And if I was going to do something about it. It sure as hell is not going to be with you."

All I'm trying to do is help...

"Vanya isn't the cause..."

"I don't care."

"Yn is going to die! I can't lose her Luther."

"She will be fine."

She better be fine because if she isn't and I waisted presious time on you ape face I will kill you.

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