chapter 31

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"All right here's the plan Oswald finishes his shift at 4.30pm once he walks out those doors we force him into the front seat ."

"I'm in the front seat."

"Okay fine in the backseat. Your going to pin his arms and I'm gonna cut off his trigger finger."

I open the door of Diego's car and laugh at his stupidity. Did he really think that would work?

"Thats not going to workkkkk."


"In the flesh and I am not letting you do this."

"Who's that?"

"Could ask you the same question but anyway your whole plan is completely and utterly stupid."

"Whoever she is she's right. Chopping off a guys finger what's that going to do?"

"Leave a blood stain in this nice car."

"No its his TRIGGER finger. You can't shoot without your trigger finger."

It's at that moment I realise he's being serious and I can't help but laugh. My brother is a bigger idiot than I thought. Don't get me wrong I love him but how can he be so stupid.

"What if he's ambidextrous?"

"Or ya know skillful enough to shoot a gun with a different finger."

"Honestly, how do you get through a day?"

"Get out. Both of you. I can do this on my own."

"Dr Moncton was right this hero complex is no joke."

"Hero my ass. Your more like the annoying vigilante who got way to many seasons on Netflix."

"Shut up Eight and that is not what this is about."

"It kinda is Di you wanna prove to daddy dearest that your better than big grape ape."

"No you two don't know anything about me!"

"I know everything about you you are an open book for very dumb children."

"She's not wrong but .Wait how do you even know him?"

"Psych Ward."

"So let me get this straight you brought a looney with you without doing background checks or anything? Such a wise leader."

"Umm rude U never told us why u were doing this."

"Because he is an idiot."

I look at Five who smirks at me but there was a look in his eyes which had grown since the last time I saw him. It was a look of sadness.

"Wait there two of you now? Who the hell are you?"

"Wells she's my girl and I'm his loving brother."

He didn't need to introduce me as his girl but at the same time I wouldn't stop him from doing it again.

"Who left me to rot in a nuthouse. Yn tell him off."

"Are you really crazy enough to think you didn't belong in there too?"

"What Yn means is we did it to protect you."

" I really didn't mean that." Five jokingly glares at me. "I stand by my comment."

"Okay all three of you out."

"Lose the crazy lady and come with us."

I laugh and lean against Five a bit while Lila is looking at us like we are crazy. I mean in some ways were are. Our pasts are all full of crazy scary things that nobody would ever believe we're true.

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