Chapter 24

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I sit with Diego both of us in deep silence as he looks at the bruises Luther's punch left on my face. Mum places down happy face pancakes and we give tight smiles. A high pitch started ringing and Diego and I look at each other in fear.

"What was that?"

"I don't know, are you in the fighting state Yn?"

"I guess I have to be."

We get up and meet the others in the hallway.

"Vanya. We need to get out of the academy."

"Don't forget mum."

Klaus, Diego, and I rush to find her. We run up and down the stairs but something hit Diego and me hard enough to knock us out. The last thing I remember is watching Pogo walk up to Vanya.

*Vanya's pov*

I didn't want to hurt anyone but they never cared about hurting me. As I go through each door I remember the rejection I felt and as my hand passed Yns door I remember her standing up for me but I also remember her telling me to just leave the academy. It was after Five left so I let her away with it.

I walk down to see the family taking a photo together and frown.

"Dad you forgot about me."

"I did not. Five take your arms away from eight's waist. No smiles, eyes ahead."

I kept screaming at him hoping he would notice me. Yn did nothing. She just stood and smiled. She forgot about me, this was the day Five and her became friends. The day I was forgotten.

"Ms. Vanya that's quiet enough." I'm pulled out of my memories to see Pogo. "I understand how upset you are but I can assure you that none of your siblings bare any responsibility for what happened to you as a child."

"Did you know?"

"Your father discovered that you are capable of great things. Much like your brother and sisters but your powers were... Erratic. He only wanted to protect you from yourself. He nearly did the same to Lady Yn."

"Did you know?"

There was a pause as my voice shakes.

Yes, miss Vanya. I knew."

The building starts shaking as I lift Pogo up and throw him into the deers' antlers showing no remorse.


"I'm sorry Lady Yn."

He dies and I look up to Yn and smile as she shadow travels down to my level.

"Yn we can rule the world together."

"You are a cold-hearted bitch."

Yn brings fire to her hands and I smile. This was going to be a fight worth watching.

"Am I too much like you now?"

"How dare you."

"What going to go cry to Five? Oh, wait he doesn't care."

She throws fire at me and I stumble a little bit. She's going easy on me. I send a forceful wave of my power towards her sending her flying into the table. She gets up and I can feel the fires around us dim. Why is she trying so hard to have peace? I throw another wave at her and she goes through the wall as the building crumbles.

*Yns pov*

The bitch sent me through the fucking wall and I can hear my siblings shout but it's no use my leg was stuck.

"Klaus come here help me search. They have to be here."

"Diego just stop."

No- what are you-"

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