Chapter 9

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So Five convinced me to meet Delores who I now know is a doll. So here we are in the dark me watching Five talks to her and am I going to judge him? No. I most definitely have seen weirder shit. Like Klaus trying to talk to a hotdog.

🎶Don't stop me now. Cause I'm having a good time having a good timeeeee.🎶


"What's wrong?"

Before I could tell him anything I grab him and Delores rolling behind a row of clothes. Delores went under the rack whereas Five landed on top of me.

"Two people in masks and from your thoughts their names are hazel and cha-cha."

"We need to talk about you doing that."

"You take left. I take right."

"They are assassin's Yn!"

"Well, then I guess everyone here can relate now move!"

Five gives me a look but we both run our separate ways.

🎶Don't stop me. Don't stop me🎶

"You said he was special."

"You start over there, I'll go to the other end. Meet in the middle."

I don't know what Fives doing but I haven't had a good fight in a while and so I shadow jump beside the man.

"So who are we trying to kill?" Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. "That is so rude all I did was ask a question."

I pulled down his mask even further and took the bullets out of his gun. Five and I meet up together and he looks mad.

"They are going to kill you!"

"Why don't I just set this place on fire?"

"You know what fine. Let's get Delores and go."

I wait for five to pack her up but his powers aren't working.

"In the back pocket of my jeans should be enough food to get you and Delores out."

"I'm not leaving without you."

"I'll be right behind you."

Five puts his hand in the back pocket finding the bar as I start a little chant. Time to bring back a ghost of one's past. I know it's weird that I need chants but it helps me control my powers. Five grabs me and we are suddenly outside near Ben's statue. Falling to be exact. Neither of us had the power to stop this though so down we went.

"Five? Yn? What the hell happened to you?"

I look down to see my once knee-length jumper now showing my stomach piercing and my ripped jeans now shorts but I guess that's what happens when your hot, literally.

"It's called fashion Allison."

"Are you okay? Can we help?"

Luther tried to wipe the blood from my mouth but five stops him.

"There's nothing you can do."

"Five. Let him go. Have a nice date you two we have more important things to do."

"Yn you should go with them."

"Oh go fuck yourself Five."

I grab him by the ear dragging him to my room.

"Enough Yn!"

"No! Stop acting like you can do this all on your own! You need help so let me help you!"

*Fives pov 45 years ago*

I knew I shouldn't have left the academy but I had to prove that I could time travel. I turn around one last time to see Yn looking gorgeous as usual. Maybe I can convince her to come with me.

"Wait five before you go."

"Don't talk me out of this Yn. I need this."

"I know you do five and I would never try to talk you out of this I know how much you want to prove yourself."

"Thank you, Yn. You know you are not as mean as you make it seem."

"Okay let's not get too mushy."

"Before I go I have a question."


"Why dont you come with me?"

"We both know I cant. I have to look after Ben, Klaus and Diego." 

She was very close with Ben and Diego which meant she probably liked one of them and that meant that she didn't like me but why would she when she's so perfect? 

"I'll wait for you."

"I'll be back in a minute."

"Won't stop me from missing you."

Yn pulls me in for a kiss and I can't help but kiss back. I'm going to miss her but it will only be a couple of days.

"For good luck."

"Thank you."

She walks back to the stairs but not before waving one last time. She kissed me but to her it meant nothing. I teleported a month and then another three months but now everything was foggy and burnt. I came to the realization that nobody could hear me shouting so I continue to walk. I see a hand sticking out of the ground with an eyeball in its hand. This must be important. I move the bricks to see Luther covered in dust and blood. Tears prick in my eyes, what if the whole family is dead?

Yn. Where is she? I need to find her.

"Please be okay... Who am I kidding she is probably dead."

I had been through all of the siblings except Ben, Yn and Vanya. Where were they? I walk into the academy which library seems to be intact still but what scared me was what I saw next.

It was her body with a knife in her neck and four handcuffs keeping her down to the table. Whoever did this will pay. I walk closer to her and see all of the bruises and cuts on her, all I could do was cry. Her journal was a little bit further across the room open with blood on it but it wasn't hers and how do I know that because her blood has a hint of purple. Someone tried to break into her journal. I pick it up even though I know I can't read anything off it except I could well one line at least.

"To Claire. A powerful woman yet to rise."

I had so many questions. She had a daughter? Why does she look sixteen? But none of these were getting answered because everyone was dead and it was all my fault. I should have been there for them, for Yn.

*Yn pov now*

"Five? Are you okay?"

I try shaking him awake but it does nothing and now he was trembling and so I do what Ben used to do to me for my anxiety attacks, I grab him and just pull him in tight and whisper comforting things.

"What happened?"

"Five. You are okay. You just started shaking-"

He cuts me off with a small kiss on the lips. No, I will not catch feelings.

"As a thank you and a payment."

"Anytime. Now that your ego is back in check...  What do we do?"

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