Chapter 4

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I'm starting to question my life choices. I mean seriously how did I manage to find myself in a room full of idiots and five. I'm currently judging everyone in this room well doing the splits across the cupboards but that's not necessary information.

"what's the date? The exact date?"

"The twenty-fourth."

"When someone says the exact date Vanya they usually mean the whole date completely which means including the month and year but I guess for a person who has no brain you did well."

Everyone stares at me and I roll my eyes. If she knows how to write the dates of when Ben died then she should know how to tell someone the full date.

"She's not wrong."

"Shut up Diego she's also underage now so you agreeing with her won't get you in bed with her."

"What the fuck ape brain."

Five walks over towards me opening the cupboard to make himself a peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich when I hear him mutter,

"All I asked for was the date and I get this."

"It's March if that helps. Also mum moved them so they should be..." I jump down only inches away from five and turn around grabbing the marshmallows which were now on the left side of the cupboard and hand them to five. "Here."


"It's been seventeen years."

"It's been a lot longer than that."

"Where did you go?"

"The future, it's shit by the way."

"Called it!" 

I give Klaus a smile and Luther rolls his eyes. I did worry for my siblings everyone seems so alone but it is none of my concern.

"I think we all called that one."

"I should have listened to the old man. You know, jumping through space is one thing, jumping through time is a toss of the dice. Nice dress."

"Well Danke. My bestie picked it."

I roll my eyes and shadow jump to beside Five and grab one half of the sandwich he had just cut. He gives me a look that makes me give him a soft smile. He must have been through hell and back. I look at him one question on my mind.

"So how did you get back?"

"In the end, I had to project my consciousness forward into a suspended quantum state version of myself that exists across every possible instance of time."

I nod my head and hope Five takes that as a sign that I understood him. Nobody else understood what he meant but for me, it made perfect sense.

"That makes no sense."

"Well, it would if you were smarter."

I nearly choke on the sandwich as Five replies to Diego. Luther is now holding back the supposed grown-up from killing Five which makes me give a light chuckle. I look into fives' mind to see if I can get anything else out of it but all he's was thinking was 'Delores was right.' Who the hell is Delores? An idea comes to mind and I give a small smirk.

"Tell Delores I say hi."

I watch to see any emotions come off of Fives face and a small hint of affection does. I dont think any of my siblings noticed it but I knew Five was going to be mad at me for messing with his mind. I got to leave when I hear Luther say,

"Hey, you have to stay here! We need to figure this out as a family."

"I never really saw you guys like family, annoying yes but not family."

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