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Things continued to go on smoothly between the both of them.
They continued with their normal vibing and all.
One night, when Jasmine was home alone, she began to think about Dave and then began to miss him.

She decided to give him a call to ask if they could hang out for a while.

It seemed like he was also in a good mood when he picked the call.
Jasmine could tell from the excitement in his voice.

She called him by 7:10pm to ask if they could see and he told her he needed 20minutes to freshen up as he just came in so she should come by 7:30pm.

Jasmine left the house almost immediately because she knew it would take some minutes to arrive at his place.

She arrived some minutes to 8 and she found him standing outside, waiting patiently for her to arrive. When she walked to him, he gave her a warm hug  and asked how she was.

She was already feeling really comfortable, although she just arrived.
This was because of the way he welcomed her.

He asked her if she cared for a walk and she said she didn't so they took a walk.

It was the best feeling ever.
The feeling of being with the one you love, taking a walk together at night and staring at the stars, admiring how beautiful they are.

It wasn't up to 10 minutes since she arrived and Dave was already making her laugh her ass out.
They got to their favorite spot and they sat down to talk properly.

She asked him how he has been.

A question they always ask themselves when they've not heard from each other for a long time.

''I've been good. Just that I've been having issues with my chest lately and it occurs mostly at night whenever I want to pray. I start to feel a very sharp pain. And it just feels like its a force that is always stopping me from praying.'' Dave stated.

This same chest again?

''Wow. I remember when you complained to me about this chest when we just met. Have you gone to see a doctor or something cause I think we need to pay proper attention to it now and know what is going on.'' Jasmine stated, concern showing in her voice.

''I've been placed on medications already.'' Dave stated as he brought out his phone to show Jasmine pictures of the drugs he was taking.

''I told my parents about it and my dad called for our family doctor. I ran a test and when the result came out, I was diagnosed with one type of ulcer like that. I can't even remember what the guy was saying but I know he was just calling heavy words.'' Dave stated making Jasmine giggle.

''Thank God you're on medications now. I'm going to pray for you and I know you'll be fine.''
Jasmine stated, giving Dave a reassuring smile and he pulled her in for a hug.

" making.everything.better." Dave stated in-between kisses causing  Jasmine to giggle.

"Anything for you, Love."

They continued to discuss and make jokes about many other things as Dave didn't stop making her laugh from time to time.

"Will you remember me if you get famous in life?"
Jasmine suddenly asked, sounding more serious.

''I have very few circle of friends so it would be hard to forget any of them when I get there. They have all played a very important role in my life so yeah.'' Dave replied, sounding more serious too.

''And, am I a part of that Circle?''
Jasmine asked, staring at him intently. She knew she was, she just wanted to be sure.

''Of course you are.'' Dave stated and she gave him a small smile.

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