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Fei grabbed Nathalie's hand but didn't let her pull her up, instead, she jumped to her feet, and started scolding her:

"Are you completely nuts? You're having a baby and I am a teenager not an old woman, you shouldn't even try things like that!"

The pregnant woman placed one hand on her lower belly and with the other she still held her daughter's hand.

"This baby will be lucky, to have a big sister that protective. When ever he or she will get bullied, you'll be there to go all Kung Fu!", she teased her.

"Yeah, right. But let me tell you, if you don't have some serious talk with the newly in love couple, you'll gonna have step-grandchildren very soon, by the sound of what they did last night!"

"Well, I figured, they were old enough, to consider that, before they did something like that!"

"Uhm....did you plan on getting pregnant or weren't you old enough to consider...., she mocked her mother.

"Fair point, honey, fair point. I'll tell Gabriel to talk to Adrien about it!"

"Oh my gosh, can I listen? That will be hilarious!"

"No! You can't, though I know what you mean!", she giggled too now. "Come, let's just go downstairs. I am sure, that Gabriel is already worried!"

With the assistant's arm around the smaller girl's shoulders, the two women made their way down the stairs and into the kitchen. Fei couldn't stop herself from teasing them a little bit.

"Well, well, well, I guess, we could be happy, that the two of you put on some clothes, before you came running, after all I could hear last night!", she exclaimed.

The young couple blushed deeply and tried to deny what Fei accused them of.

"It wasn't, what you think, we weren't....doing that!", Marinette blurted out.

"Yeah, and we weren't even completely naked, so....oh that's not what I wanted to say....I..."

Fei now was laughing hard at them.

"Yeah, right. You weren't doing anything naughty! Ma said you were old enough, to think about not getting pregnant, but then I asked her, if her pregnancy was planned and well.... But if you weren't completely naked, I'd say, the risk for getting knocked up isn't that high, right? But I really would have thought", she looked at Gabriel now, "that a man your age, was considerate enough to think about protection!""

It was Gabriel, who blushed now. But Nathalie came to his aid and hummed:

"Well, Fei, there are these little moments, when your blood isn't really rushing towards your brain, but rather somewhere else and then you just give a shit about that!"

The teenagers all three gasped at her statement, but then started to giggle. Gabriel though took a stern look at his son and said:

"Though it sound funny now, try to remember getting any kind of protection!"

He made them both turn dark red and continued:

"I certainly hope, that Fei was right and it isn't already too late for that conversation!"

"Why don't we just talk about something else?", Marinette suggested now, "for now, we haven't done 'it' and we will of course take you very serious. But I would rather talk about something else. Fei, you called Nathalie Ma?"

The young, Chinese woman nodded.

"Yeah, we agreed on that for now, until I feel comfortable with mum or something like that. I know, it's not that much a difference, but...!" she gazed at Nathalie, who smiled at her pridefully.

"I really love it. Come, sit and have some of the cocoa now. I gues we could all use a little more sleep afterwards, right?"

The others agreed and half an hour later, they were on their way back to their beds. Nathalie was walking next to Fei and asked:

"Do you want me to stay with you, just in case?"

But the girl shook her head.

"I'm fine, really. You need your rest too. Just go and get some sleep, you and my little sibling!"

The pregnant woman was still hesitating, when Gabriel took a hold of her waist and dragged her with him.

"Your daughter is right, my love, you really need some rest. You have barely recovered from the other thing and I won't risk your health ever again!"

"What other thing?", Fei asked curiously.

"Broken miraculous, we'll tell you more in the morning!", Marinette proclaimed and hugged her friend. "Have a good rest of the night and sweet dreams this time, okay?"

She agreed:

"Okay, and whatever you're about to do, do it more quiet than before!"

Without waiting for an answer, the girl quickly vanished into her room, leaving the young couple a blushing mess.

Gabriel tightened his grip around hisloved one and said: "Well, we'll just say good night and leave, no need to make it more awkward right now! Sleep well!"

"Yeah, sweet dreams!", Nathalie added.

"Good night!", the teenagers mumbled and rushed back into Adrien's bedroom.

"Do you want to talk about it?", asked Gabriel, when they were back in their bed.

"About what?", the young woman asked.

"As you should be very well aware, my Mandarin isn't rusty at all, so, do you want to talk about, what happened to her!"

Nathalie shook her head.

"Not now, maybe tomorrow. For now, she's okay and I am too. So let's just go back to sleep, yeah?"

Gabriel nodded. Then scooted closer to her, reluctantly laying an arm around her to place his hand on her lower belly.

"Is that okay with you?", he asked shyly.

The pregnant woman nodded.

"It's more than okay, it feels great!!", she replied and laid her own hand on top of his. "I love it, how your hand is protecting out child. If only I could have protected Fei from everything. But maybe I can somehow make it up to her. At least I would like to try, Gabriel, if you don't mind!"

"Of course I don't mind. She's your child, and so she's like my own, just as Adrien has been to you for years now. I just didn't notice right away. Maybe Duusu was right and being oblivious runs in the family!"

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