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"There is no way, I can wear this dress, Gabriel! I can't even get it close to fitting the way it should. How can this be happening, when you made those corrections only two days ago? Am I really getting that fat already?", Nathalie ranted, when she tried to get into her wedding gown.

The designer smiled and came to help her.

"First of all, my love, your not getting fat, your just starting to show, that we are about to have a baby and second, it's actually laced as tightly as possible, because I had to repair something in the front and needed it to hang straight and even, while doing so. Come and let me help you, Nathalie. And by the way, you look incredibly hot and beautiful today and nothing else! I love you!", he explained sweetly.

The almost crying woman gave him a forced smile.

"I love you too, Gabriel, I am just a know....stressed today. Knowing, that my parents and grandparents are on their way, doesn't make it easier at all. And I am still struggling with the superstition of the groom seeing the dress before the wedding", she giggled sheepishly.

"Really? I wouldn't have thought, you'd believe in things like that. If it helps, I didn't see Emilie's dress before the wedding, so maybe, this will be what brings the luck to us. You have the other four things though, right?"

"You mean something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue?"

"Exactly! You have me for old, our little baby for new, and the you wearing the miraculous, which might be golden by now, but Duusu is as well borrowed as she is blue, so!", Gabriel smirked mischievously.

That made his bride eventually show him a real smile.

"I hope, you're old enough! Otherwise Duusu has to take responsibility for that too", she said teasingly, then lamented, "and I still have trouble getting into that dress. I told you I am", he cleared his throat and Nathalie sighed, "fine, I am getting rounder. Better?"

Gabriel nodded with a blissful grin and his eyebrows wiggling, as he gently cupped her breasts and cooed:

"Much better, especially here! And here", he let his hands slowly glide along her sides to her belly, where he started to tenderly stroke the skin, "is hardly anything to see, but I hope, that will change very soon!"

Snaking his hands around her and taking a firm hold of her buttocks, he could already feel her push against him again and scolded her laughing:

"I am very sorry, my dear, but we don't have time for that today. And don't forget, you need to save your strength, cause tonight is out wedding night!"

"Hm, I really like that. Can't we just skip the whole, bloody day and continue at the moment, when we get back here?", she pleaded with puppy eyes.

He started to grin and all of a sudden bent her backwards to lean down to her and kiss her passionately, making the pregnant woman squeal, as he did and slap his upper arm. Only when his lips touched hers, and she could, as she always did lately, feel the tingling sensation spread throughout her body, mostly down to her intimates, she relaxed and reciprocated the designer's affections.

But Gabriel had been right, they had no time left for that, as Nathalie suddenly noticed, when she took a glimpse at the time.

"Oh no, we'll never make it on time, Gabriel. I am still not fully dressed and I need to do my makeup and my hair too. How am I supposed to do that? And I wanted to speak with my family before the ceremony, so they won't ruin it for us completely. I..."

"Relax, my love. Your daughter is already waiting outside to help you with your hair and all the things, I can't do. And I am going to find out, if your family has already arrived, so if they have, I will arrange for you to meet them before the wedding starts, alright my sweet darling?", the caring man suggested and helped her to eventually get her dress into the right position.

Nathalie Sancoeur's secret pastWhere stories live. Discover now