Phoenix's Special Day (Disneyland)

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(Sebastian's P.O.V.)
Phoenix squeeled loudly and jumped up and down as the famous castle came into view. I smirked at Anthony and Chris while Phoenix was running around. Anthony was loudly encouraging her to get crazy even more. "Alright white wolf. Calm down" I said picking up my daughter who was still in the wolf onesie and put her on my shoulders. We all walked inside the park and Phoenix looked everywhere around us while making excited noises. "Which ride first?" Anthony asked Phoenix. "That one" she said and I followed her finger pointing at a certain ride. Anthony nodded unimpressed as he saw the 3D ride called Webslingers - A Spiderman Adventure. "Alright but you're on my team" he said and took Phoenix from my shoulders. I chuckled but we all went to the line for the ride.

(Phoenix's P.O.V.)
We got into the Web Slinger vehicle and Anthony helped me get the web vision goggles on. "We need to help Spidey!" I yelled out as the ride began to move. The goggles make you see Spidey slinging around and the bots we needed to take down. We can just point our hand at the bots and the goggles would show webs being shot out. "Lets show them who the best duo is" Uncle Mackie said and we fistbumped. "Lets get these bots!". I giggled and began to point my hand at the different coloured bots that all give you different points:

Bright red — Bonus points
Blue — About to self-replicate so you'll receive more points

reen — Unstable, explosive energy so you'll earn even more points
Gold — Special heat-shielding so you'll gain the most points

But you also get points for teamwork and receive a team score. You can move and pull items and levers with your webs. You'll score much higher if you all work together. "Get the lever! Get the lever!" Anthony yelled making me, daddy and Chris laugh loudly as he moved my arm to the 3D visualized lever. "Whooh. Yes" he yelled excitedly and continued to shoot webs. Daddy and Chris were also loudly yelling at each other to get the most points. The ride finished and Anthony helped me out and basically ran with me in his arms to the leader board outside the ride. It said that team blue on ride #003 had the most points. "Seems like we lost" Chris said to daddy.

(Sebastian's P.O.V.)
I watched Anthony dance with Phoenix in his arms as he realized they won. He eventually put her down and we went further. Suddenly Phoenix squeeled out in excitement and dashed away. "Phoenix!" I yelled and ran after her. In the crowd I lost her and fear filled my stomach. But a reasuring hand from Chris was placed on my shoulder and he pointed at something. I follwed his finger and saw the Disneyland version of Bucky, Steve and Sam. They where all squatted down to Phoenix's height and I could see that she was talking their heads off. I sighed in relief and walked up to the four of them. "Look daddy!" Phoenix exclaimed, "I found the real Bucky, Sam and Steve". The Disney workers held back a laugh as they saw mine, Anthony and Chris suprised faces. "And we found our Little White Wolf" the one portraying Steve said to Phoenix and ruffled a hand through the fabric from the onesie on Phoenix head. She giggled loudly and playfully pushed his hand away. We soon got some pictures with them all. Before we moved on. We went on more rides and saw more characters. Phoenix had played tagg with Peter Pan for about 10 minutes while we walked to the next ride. Cruelle got put in her place by Phoenix when she said that Phoenix would make a great purse when she saw Phoenix in her wolf onesie. Chris got soaked in water after Phoenix pulled him with her to the spray area outside the Once Upon A Time Toyshop. Somehow she also got Loki to kneel for her and then Loki made us and Thor kneel aswell for the mighty Goddess Phoenix. We arrived at the Pixar Pier that had Carnival games of skill and chance. For example. toss a basketball, squirt water into a tiny hole, whack-a-mole, horse race. I won a big Bull's-eye plush toy from Toy Story for her at the horse race. At the La-Luna star catcher she caught some stars and earned a prize. It was a star plushy the size of my hand and she gave it to me. Now I was holding Phoenix in my arms as we walked towards the exit. She lazily put her head on my shoulder as we walked to the exit.

Published: 10th of october 2021
Have you been to disney-land/world? Yes where did you go to?

I havent but I've to movie-park Germany which I loved

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