Please..... Tatâ

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(Sebastian's P.O.V.)
I was packing a suitcase for Phoenix. After I finished I walked up the stairs to Phoenixs room. I carefully stepped in and lifted her out of her familiar bed. Her head layed on my shoulder and she let out a sigh. I walked down the stairs and grabbed her suitcase and walked out my house. I placed her in the car and put the suitcase in the back. I hopped in the car and drove out the driveway. My mind was racing with thoughts.

Is this a good idea?
Will Phoenix be happy?
How long does she have to be there?

But the one question that is the hardest one.

Will she forgive me if it is the wrong choice?

I had 5 minutes left to drive and I heard Phoenix. I looled in the rear view mirror and saw her stretching. "Where we going?" She asked sleepy. At that moment I pulled into Sarah's driveway and parked the car. I hopped out and opened her door. I could see in her look that she realised what was going on. "Please" she begged. My eyes began to water at her voice thats breaking due to her crying, but I pushed it back. "I'm sorry, Phoenix. Just try, okay?" I said. She shook her head. I sighed and lifted her out the booster-seat. I held her while I grabbed the suitcase. While I walked to the front door where Sarah and Paul are standing. I felt Phoenix tightening her arms around me and softly cried and begged to just take her home. I handed the suitcase to Paul and he put it in the house. I tried to get Phoenix of off me but she kept a hold of me. She cried harder once Sarah took a hold of her. Trying to help and get her off. She was put down and I squatted down to her height. I grabbed her hands and looked at her. "You'll just be here for a couple months" I said. "You.... Promised.... Tatâ..." she cried. "I know, baby. I know" I softly said. "But just be good okay?". "No!" She screamed. Sarah put her hand on Phoenix shoulder and pulled herbtowards her. Phoenix looked back and screamed and yelled. Paul moved his wife aside and lifted my baby up. She did not take that. She screamed kicked and just generally tried getting free. "You should go, Sebastian" Sarah said. I looked at her. "She'll be fine in a couple hours" she said with a smile. I nodded and turned around and walked away. I looked one more time back at Phoenix. "I love you" I whispered.

(Phoenix's P.O.V.)
Paul carried me inside and once Sarah locked the door he sat me down. I ran straight to the door and banged on the door and called for my daddy. Heavy tears streamed down my face. Disbelieve that he actually did this to me. I felt hands grab a hold of me and I realised it was Paul again. He had a grin on his face and my mind went straight back to the time at the orphanage. I quickly yelled for my Tatâ but I watched him step in his car, before I was pulled away from the door.

(Sebastian's P.O.V.)
I stepped in the car and sighed. I stared straight ahead and all the emotions got a hold of me. I put my head against the head rest and closed my eyes hard. The tears started to stream down and I hit the steering wheel with anger. Crying I started the car and drove home.

I arrived home and opened the door. Katniss immediatly stood up and quickly walked up to me. She hugged me and I layed my head on her chest and all the tears came. She tried calming me down. She lifted my face and told me "you did what is best for her. Atleast we didn't bring her back" she said sarcastically. I didn't really know how to respond so I just went upstairs. I stepped in my bed and layed down. Something underneath me, annoyed me. I grabbed it from underneath me and saw that it was the Build-A-Bear Bucky. I shut my eyes and held the bear close to me. I soon fell asleep holding the bear, that the most importaint person in my life made with me.

Published: 9 August 2019

Chapter inspired by the movie "Gifted"

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