A True Gentleman

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(The strangers P.O.V.)
I shook my head and looked back at the shelf in front of me. Dammit, Stan. You should've done something. I hesitated but quickly finished my shopping spree.

I had paid for my stuff and quickly walkes outside. My eyes scanning the parkinglot, looking for the girl.

(Phoenix's P.O.V.)
I waited beside the car. Looking down at my feet. I carefully looked up and saw the stranger walking outside.

His eyes scanned for someone or something

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His eyes scanned for someone or something. Suddenly he locked hir brown eyes with my blue ones. I quickly glanced back to the ground. Don't you forget rule 1 Mr Dawson voice taunted in my head. I was shoved forward. I turned around facing Mrs Dawson. Her facial expression changing into a hard one. Her hand raised up and raced towards me. I waa stuck looking at the hand that threatend to hit me. The impact came full force. My head moved aside. My feet stepping back from the sudden hard impact. Soon I was laying on the ground. My own hand moved up to my stinging cheek. It was warm and probably red. I looked back up at Mrs Dawson. "Rule number 1" she said raising her hand again. It came back down again. I quickly put both hands up, so that they would absorb the blow and closed my eyes. Waiting for the hit to be delivered. A hit that never came. My body was trembling with fear, the strength I had in the shop, completly gone. Vanished from the earth. I carefully glanced between my hands that were blocking my view. Mrs Dawson looked shocked and, and scared? Her wrist was being held by a large hand. And by the looks of it, it was really holding the wrist tight. I followed the hand, up to an arm, shoulder amd finally a face. It was the stranger. His facial expression was angry, disgusted and manh more emotions as he loomed at Mrs Dawson. "Don't. You. Dare. Lay. Another. Hand. On. Her" he said. Every word said with a low cold and scary tone. Mrs Dawson retracted her wrist and scoffed at the man. "She isn't your concern" she snapped walking up to the man. I think she wanted to look intimidating, but failed misserable. He was looking at her with such a powerfull look. Mrs Dawson looked between me and him. She rolled her eyes and scoffed again. She walked off and got in the car slamming the car door shut. I gulped and looked back down at the ground. Not wanting, not needing anymore attention from the man. I saw a pair of feet stand in front of me. Suddenly a hand grabbed my chin. I flinched under the touch, quickly moving back and looking at him.

(The strangers P.O.V.)
I squatted in front of the girl. Carefully I lifted her chin so I could look at her. That sadly didn't work out. She reacted heavily to my touch. She moved backwards and looked at me. Her eyes telling me, no begging me not to hurt her. Her mouth was slightly open and you could see that she was nervouss. As soon as I looked back into her eyes, they quickly disappeares to look at the ground. My eyes soften. "My name is Sebastian. Sebastian Stan. What's yours?" I asked soft and friendly. "Phoenix" she answered barely audible for me. I nodded and asked what had happened. She just shook her head. I desperatly wanted to know the truth. A car horn was pushed in. I groaned in my head. You have to be kidding me. I thought as I looked at the car the  disgusting woman hopped into. I looked back at the girl. She was standing up and quickly moved to the car. She hopped in and soon they drove off. Without giving me enough information. I sighed and looked at the ground. A little flyer or panflet, okay a little paper was laying on the ground. Exactly where the girl had been sitting. I picked it up and turned it around in my large hands, expecting it. On the paper was some stuff written.


Adress: 25th Boulevard Queens.
Owners: Mr and Mrs Dawson.

And some other random stuff but it also had a picture of the building on it. "Well, it's worth a try" I said shrugging my shoulders and placing the paper in my pocket.

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