Different dreams.

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The little one would yell and scream. She would fight it out for the males attention, with no succes. The little one hoped, she would pray, she was just holding onto a dream. A dream that just contained her and her Tatâ.

The male listened to the sharp words his daugther threw at his partner. It would tear him down. The male hoped, he would pray, he was also just holding onto a dream. A dream that contained a loving family with a father, a mother and a daughter.

The female was plotting a plan. She would comfort the male and tell him that the little one needs to be diciplined. The female was going to do what she wants. After all she was holding onto some sort of dream as well. A dream that didn't contain a family, just fame and money. That was what the male has.

Published: 23 July 2019

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