You're not my child's parent

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(Sebastian's P.O.V.)
As I started to go full Bucky Barnes on her, I stopped myself. I looked at Katniss with a hatefull expression. "I have to go" I said ice cold. "Where you going?" Chris asked, "I'm getting my child back" I sneered, "what do we do about the witch?" Anthony asked making Katniss scoff. "Get her out of my house" I said befote getting in my car and driving off to the Jenkensons.

I stopped the car and angrily got out the car, slamming the door shut. I stomped my way over to the front dokr and banged three times on it. Paul was the one to open and confusedly said "hello?". I ignored him and pushed my way inside the house. "Hey, wait a minute you can't-". I put my finger to his mouth, "no shush" I said before walking further. "Phoenix! Baby!?" I yelled through the house. "We made a deal Sebastian. Phoenix is living with us untill she is better" Paul tried convincing me. "Besides she doesn't want to see you. She hates you". At that moment I heard my sweet baby girls voice. I turned around at her calling "tatâ". She came running and I bent down to have her in my arms. I sighed a relief as I finally had her in my arms again. "Phoenix? I'm so sorry, I should've trusted you" I said crying. She pushed herself back a little. "It's okay. I love you" she said and hugged me again. "I love you too" I said with a smile. Suddenly she was ripped out my arms again. She yelled out for me. My father instinct kicked in and I punched the person immediatly and pushed Phoenix behind me. "Don't ever touch her again" I snapped. "Sebastian, we know what is best for Phoenix" Paul said wiping some blood from his mouth. "I don't care" I snapped. I felt Phoenix wrap her arms around my leg, I could feel her shake in fear. "Sebastian, we have succesfully raised kids. We can help, if you just let us" Sarah said coming into the situation. "Does it look like I care about how many kids you succesfully raised? Cause I don't" I snapped. I walked up to Sarah and Paul and sternly looked at them. "You are not my child's parents. My baby, my rules" I said and walked back to the shaking Phoenix. I picked her up and walked out. "One more thing" I said turning around. "Anyone can have a child and call themselves a parent. A real parent is someone who puts that child above their own selfish needs and wants. And I wasn't a real parent, I know that now. But I'm gonna try and be a real parent from now on. You should try it" I said and walked out the house. I got near the car and put Phoenix down and looked into her eyes. "Know that I love you" I said with tears, "I know. Otherwise you would've not come for me" she said with a smile and hugged me.

 Otherwise you would've not come for me" she said with a smile and hugged me

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"Can you forgive me?" I asked hopefully. I felt her nodd and soon I felt her small lips give me a kiss on the cheeks. "I forgive you" she said. I laughed "how did I end up with a daughter like you?" I asked tearing up. "How did I end up with a Tatâ like you?" She said. "That's just so cute" Anthony said. He walked over to us and joined in with the hugg. "Guys! Don't forget about me" Chris yelled running towards us. "Family Stan is back together again" Anthony yelled happily, making Phoenix laugh.
Published: 15 August 2019

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