- Chapter Nineteen -

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Deku and (Y/n) gave up on school work and studying. Instead, Deku let the girl borrow his phone charger so that she could call Erasure or someone at the hospital. Her phone had only gotten to about 5% back at Bakugo's place.

It was about 6pm. It was getting late. And she couldn't get ahold of anyone at all. Erasure's phone just went straight to voice mail and she was growing tired.

"Here." Deku came around the corner, handing the girl a hot cup of tea. "I didn't know what kind you liked. I hope this is okay."

The girl took the mug happily and held it in her lap. She yawned and leaned back against the couch. "Thanks.."

"How are you feeling?" He asked, sitting at the other end of the couch.

Horrible. "I'm alright."

"Have you tried calling him?"

"Yes. About one hundred times."



Deku looked down at his own tea. The steam coming from the tea made his face warm.

"Did.. did Kacchan kiss you?" His sudden interest threw her off guard.

"Why would you ask that?" Her cheeks grew warm but she tried to hide it by sipping her tea, only to burn her lips on the hot liquid.

"It was just a hunch really. Kacchan isn't the loving type. So if he did show it, he wouldn't want anyone knowing it. Especially me. Which is probably why he didn't want me to know you were at his place."

(Y/n) set her cup on the coffee table and curled up in a ball. Deku, as usual, was hitting all the right points. He's too smart for his own good.

"Did he hurt you?"

"Only with his words.." she sighed heavily. She needed a nap.

"When I showed up, right?"

All she did was nod slowly, staring down at the burn on her wrist. Deku sighed before setting his own cup down. "Kacchan is a very independent person. He always has been even since we were kids. I don't think I've ever seen him be kind to anyone."

"He was kind to me. So kind.. he walked me home a few times. He took me in. He said he cared about me." She couldn't hold back her tears anymore. Her chest was tight as she began to sob. She hadn't cried that hard in year. She didn't even cry this hard when bakugo brought up her 'dead beat parents'. "He used me. Manipulated me."


She instinctively reached into her back to get Erasure's jacket that slowly became her version of a security blanket over time. When she couldn't feel the jacket anywhere, she sat up and and began digging. All that was in there was her Hero Costume. She began to panic, dumping the contents of the bag on the floor.

"It's not here." She muttered as she got on the floor and started searching through the contents again, over an over.

"What's not there? What's wrong, (Y/n)?"

"His jacket! Erasure's jacket. It's the only thing I have of him."

"Will he be that mad if it ends up missing?" Deku asked, crouching beside her.

"No. But what if he dies while at the hospital, Deku? What if that's why he hasn't answered any of my calls? Because he's dead!? Then I won't have anything left from him!"

"Hey!" Deku grabbed the girl gently to force her to focus on him and not the bag or clothes. "He's not dead! You told me yourself that he was doing great."

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