- Chapter Thirty Nine -

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Iida parked the car about half a mile away in some trees. The group walked slowly behind trees the closer to the bunker they got. They could see pro heroes and police officers surrounding the entrance.

They stayed low to the ground. "The pro heroes are here. Should we fall back?" Iida asked.

"Hell no. While they deal with the villains we go in there and rescue (Y/n)!" Bakugo shouted in a surprisingly hush voice.

"We just have to wait for the right moment.." Deku said quietly.

Suddenly, the ground beneath them began to shake. Everyone braced themselves against the trees.

"Whoa! What's going on?!"

Multiple giant stone pillars began to shoot out of the ground, sending officers fly up into the air before hitting the ground with a hard smack.

The pro heroes and remaining officers were forced to scatter as the attack continued.

"Those look like.."

"No don't say it. She wouldn't attack them." Bakugo hissed as he stood. "This is our chance. We have to move while we have an opening."

Todoroki was also on his feet. A hole in the ground from one of the pillars led underground inside the bunker. "Follow me."

He used his ice to make a type of slide to get him and his classmates inside the bunker quickly without being seen or caught. Once they were inside, he used his flames to melt the ice.

They were in a long hallway. The walls were lined with metal with bright LED lights. It seemed clean.

"Whoa.. who knew this was under here." Deku said in awe as he looked around.

"Keep your guard up. We don't know what we'll find down here.." Iida said as he led the way. The group kept close to the walls as they walked, peering into rooms as they passed by.

They could hear gunfire and explosions from above. They held their breath as they turned a corner. Thugs were seen running down the hall to a set of stairs.

"That must be the way to the entrance." Deku whispered as he watched them run.

"We should try to find where they have the prisoners held." Kirishima said as he pointed with his thumb in the opposite direction.

They all nodded in agreement. But before they could move, more thugs appeared but they were walking casually, talking amongst themselves. The group decided to listen to see if they could get any information.

"The boss is having everyone defend the bunker against the pro heroes." The first thug said as he crossed his arms.

"Why aren't we up there helping them?" The other whined.

"He wants us to guard the prisoners to make sure they don't escape."

"Why doesn't he have Dabi and his new pet do that? I don't want to sit around doing the boring work."

The first thug smacked the other in the back of the head. "Just do it. Besides, his new 'Pet' is more useful up there keeping the pro heroes and police at bay with her quirk. And Dabi's flames are scaring most away."

The tension in the air grew thick. The group exchanged glances.

Deku turned to face the rest of the group. "Okay.. new plan. Iida, Todoroki and I will follow these guys to see if (Y/n) is in one of the cells. While Bakugo and Kirishima.."

"We will go see who this 'pet' is." Kirishima said sullenly. Bakugo's face twisted with anger. There was no way (Y/n) would join them. Would she?

The group split up. Bakugo and Kirishima walked along the wall towards the stairs that they assumed led to the entrance. But once they got to a corner only a few feet away from the stairs, Kirishima grabbed Bakugo's shoulder and pulled him back aggressively right as a dagger nearly scraped the edge of his nose.

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