- Chapter Thirty Five -

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(Y/n) woke up in a panic. Her body felt rushed and tired but she was suddenly alert. Beads of sweat rolled down her forehead as she looked around desperately. The room was pitch black.

Where am I..

The last thing she could remember was Dabi attacking her in the bath. He was holding her under the water and then burned her before hitting her face against the wall when she tried to escape. Where was she now though? Did he kidnap her?

"Hello? Someone.. help.." she was soft spoken at first until her head began to throb. "Help me please! Where am I?!" She held her head in her hands as she cried. The pain overtook her.

"Hey hey shh! It's okay you're okay!" Todoroki woke up and reached out to her in the dark. But when his fingers brushed against her arm, she jumped and wrapped her arms around her body.

"Who's there!?"

Todoroki leaned over and quickly turned on the lamp on the side table and held his hands up in front of him. "It's me! You're in your dorm room!"

"Shoto..?" She swallowed hard and looked around the room before looking back at the boy. He was now sitting beside her on the bed.

He lowered his hands but slowly placed one reassuringly on her cheek. "You're safe now."

She touched her forehead hesitantly and felt the bandages. "What happened?" She then saw the bandages on her right wrist. Oh right..

"Well.. we were hoping you could tell us what happened. And who did this to you. "

Her head throbbed even more if she kept her eyes open too long. The light coming from the lamp only made it worse. "Please.. Shoto turn the light off. What time is it?" She laid back down on her side and covered her head with her blanket.

"It's 9 o'clock at night..." Todoroki said sullenly as he looked down at his phone. She had been out much longer than anyone had expected.

He leaned over and turned lamp off before getting out of the bed. "I'm glad you're feeling better, (Y/n). I'm going to call your father and let him know. I apologize for laying in bed with you.. I promise I kept my hands to myself." He chuckled lightly and smirked as if she could see it.

Before he could walk away, the girl reached out and grabbed his hand from beneath the blanket. "Stay with me.."

His thumb rubbed the back of her hand softly. He sighed heavily and looked down at his phone. "Alright.. I'll stay with you." He sat on the edge of the bed for a moment. She tugged on his shirt with her other hand. He smiled and laid back against the bed besides her. The girl then wrapped her arm around his stomach and rested her head on his chest. Or in other words- she made herself comfortable with him by her side.

Todoroki blushed darkly. He rubbed her back gently. The girl's body growing heavy as she fell back to sleep.

He turned on his phone with his free hand and texted Erasure. He let her know that she woke up but fell right back to sleep. He explained that the light hurt her head and that she didn't say anything about the attack yet.

Erasure responded, thanking Todoroki for his help. He asked the boy if he was okay with staying there with her or if he would like to head to his own room now.

Todoroki leaned down and kissed the top of the girl's head sweetly. She threw her leg over his and cuddled up close to him in her slumber. He could feel her breast against his body as she pressed herself against him.

This brought a warmer smile to the boy's face. He texted Erasure and said he would be fine for the night.  He didn't know when he'd get another chance like this (although they were under severe circumstances) so he wanted to live in the moment with her.

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