Chapter 4

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(Mono's POV)

Mono followed Eraser-head down hallways. This place was strange. He and the other kids contemplated escaping but with all the people, it would've been impossible. And Eraser-head had proven that he was nice-ish. Mono felt his cheeks warm up again as they walked. He had lost his paper bag when they got here and he wasn't liking his face being easy to view. He was embarrassed to say the least. Six, as usual, seemed unfazed by everything but Mono could feel that she was nervous too. The other kids were nice. Seven was skittish and Mono didn't know what a nome was but it was cool that Seven could understand them. RG and Six knew each other which was nice. They even wore the same raincoat.

As they walked, Six pointed out a vent that was close to the ground. Close enough to reach if they wanted to. Mono stared at the vent and made a mental note of it. Mono swore he could have seen something scuttle in the vent though.

The group passed a kitchen as he and Six relised where they were. This was the same building that they woke up in. While passing, Mono spotted a brown paper bag on the counter. It was a miracle! Mono pointed it to Six and she nodded. Six gave Mono a boost up. The boy grabbed the bag and rushed to catch up with the others. RG had started small talk with Eraser-head. As they spoke, Mono looked at the bag. It was cleaner than his old one. Mono tore out the eye holes and put it on. A safe feeling welcomed him. He knew it was kind of weird but it was nice.

"..I know I'm not one to ask but, is your name really Eraser-head?" RG asked.

"No. My name is Shota Aizawa" Aizawa replied as he stood in front of the TV Mono and Six arrived through. Mono felt his powers getting stronger slightly.

Mono's ability allowed him to hear a special frequency that could control space in a way. He had to be close to a TV or signal tower for it to work but it was quite strong. He could teleport through TV's, warp reality in minor degrees and even, if he had enough energy, teleport without a TV. Mono didn't use his powers much in fear of making a mistake with them but he'd use them to protect Six.

Once Mono got close to the TV, it turned to static. Mono felt a familiar fuzzy feeling and used it to turn the TV off again. Aizawa gave him a confused look and wondered where the boy had gotten the bag from.

"You all will be staying here for a while. The students of 1-A will be taking care of you. Don't be scared to ask for anything. When they are in class, Nezu has kindly volunteered to take care of you. Stay here while I go get the students" Aizawa explained before leaving. The kids sat down and waited.

"What's the Maw like?" Mono asked Seven.

"It's a big boat that is like a restaurant and prison. The Staff catch kids and feed them to the guests. What about the Pale City?" Seven asked.

"It's a small city and it's always raining. Everyone there is warped into monsters and try to catch us" Mono explained.

"So..what should we do now?" RG asked.

"Well I still think escape is too dangerous," Mono pointed out. Six nodded.

"But what if here is too dangerous?" Seven asked. Mono tapped his chin in thought.

"Then we bust outta here" Six answered, slightly activating her ability. Black energy swirled in her hand. She knew it could be deadly but she wasn't strong enough to do that. She'd faint if she tried too much.

"We can use the vent!" Mono added. As the kids made many plans, they didn't notice Aizawa return. Mono stood up and looked at the man. He was strange. Stern but nice. Mono felt safe. The others stood beside Mono and turned to Aizawa too.

"They're coming," he said bluntly. And sure enough, people of all sizes and shapes shuffled in. Some were talking to others, other people came in quietly.

(Midoriya's POV)

Everyone shuffled in and sat down on the couches. Deku spotted the kids from earlier. They tensed up and scuttled behind Aizawa-sensei. At least they trust him, Deku thought.

"So why are we here again?" Ashido asked.

"Consider this an assignment. As you all know, our class was disrupted by the sudden appearance of two children. And as some of you know, two more arrived later" Aizawa-sensei said. Everyone glanced at the kids behind him. The boy now wore a bag on his head and stayed in Sensei's shadow. The others did too which meant they were scared and would be easily intimidated.

"The teachers and I have decided that you will be taking care of them until we can find a more permanent solution. This will teach you how to deal with children in emergencies that won't trust you. For the first night, they will spend it with me" Sensei explained. A few mutters were heard. Aizawa bent down to the kids and spoke to them quietly. They nodded.

"Goodnight" Aizawa said and left back to the teachers dorm. The children followed like ducklings would, in a line.

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