Chapter 29

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Trigger warnings for this chapter: injury detail

TL;DR will be at the end of the chapter 


(Police Chief's POV)

Chief Briuchi marched from desk to desk, receiving reports from his officers. Each time he got one, he would go to the front of the room and mark out areas. Slowly the perimeter was closing in. Only a few obvious locations remained, abandoned structures were always popular but Malakai was smart, he knew that's where they would look for him. Briuchi had found many of his hideouts in suburban areas so he didn't eliminate the apartments that stayed in the perimeter. He had to give it UA, they were an effective bunch. What they did in a few hours his team, while hardworking, would do in a day. Still every minute that passed was bad for the three. Malakai's worst trait, other than his merciless temper, was that he was smart. Always had a backup plan, an escape route, a fail safe to cover his tracks. It was infuriating. By now he must know that one of the four had managed to escape so he would be in a hurry to lay low. Or he would accelerate his efforts to sell them off. Hours that had gone by, and without a word from his undercover, filled him with dread. But Naomasa promised that these students would do their best and he trusted him. It didn't alleviate the anxiety in his heart though. God, it was days like these that made him sad for humanity.

Turning back to the board, he noticed a few abandoned buildings. A restaurant, an office building, an old club and a workshop.

"Someone start sending patrols down these areas," Briuchi commanded, pointing to different roads on the map. He heard a brief 'yes sir!' but only nodded slightly in response. If the squad cars could locate them before his team or UA could, he was all for it. It was no surprise that Malakai had many 'soldiers' working for him, he recruited 'youngs and dumbs', as Briuchi put it. People who were too stupid to think themselves. It made arresting them easier, or at least entertaining. Some teenagers with guns but scared out their minds could lighten the mood as they watched their worlds collapse around them. But the world seemed ever full of stupid people, willing to work for Malakai. With plenty of encounters, Briuchi had to admit that Malakai did have an air of charisma to him. He was full of deception but something about the way he promised they'd meet again made his skin crawl.

Shaking away the distracting thoughts, Briuchi glared at the map again, hoping that he would find the kids and bring them home. Also wishing to finally defeat Malakai.

(Six's POV)

Pain. This entire day had just caused pain for Six. She didn't want to leave the dorms at all today and yet she found herself here, fighting for her life once again. Anger boiled under her skin. She quickly redirected it to Toga, entirely fed up with her. She was supposed to be safe here. Everyone had promised her that. Why did they lie to her? Six bit her lip, slightly guilty for thinking that way. A small voice told her that it wasn't their fault her situation was as bad as it was. However it was easier to be angry and blame than anything else. Six growled like a feral animal at the advancing woman, wishing that she could just kill her on the spot but knew that she was far too weak to do so. If she couldn't do it when she was normal what hope did she have now? Still, Six mustered some strength to aim her quirk at Toga once again. The woman skilfully dodged easily. Six glanced backwards to Mono, he was making progress in advancing to the TV. It was awfully similar to the TV that got them here in the first place. She looked at Mono's eyes and sighed slightly in relief that they weren't all freaky like they usually got when he got near a TV. They were squinted in pain but with an undying burn of determination. She couldn't give up, not now. Not when her friend needed her.

Six was brought from her thoughts by a burn to her arm. Whilst looking at Mono, she had let her guard down and left an opening for Toga to exploit. She had slashed her arm, it wasn't too deep or big but it stung terribly. Her sleeve ripped to expose her now bleeding arm. The red liquid leaked through the seams of her fingers as she attempted to stop the bleeding. Six's eyes burned with tears that threatened to spill out but she refused to let that happen. She looked up to see Toga lick the knife clean, careful as to not cut her own tongue.

"What's wrong, Six?" She called, in a voice that sounded exactly like her own. Looking over her shoulder, Six saw RG struggling to fight the other two. Turning back to Toga just in time to see her melt into..Six? Six blinked in surprise as the doppelganger approached until they were face to face.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of Mono~" the fake whispered, eyeing off the boy still inching his way to their escape. He was losing steam fast. A rage like no other filled Six, her eyes narrowed and she felt every ounce of her body stiffen.

"Just die already!" Six bellowed, shoving Toga to the ground and quickly jumping on top of her. Their equal size worked as a disadvantage to Toga as Six repeatedly punched her. When Toga managed to push her off, Six kicked her in the lower stomach and the two wrestled each other on the floor. Six fought with everything she had, hitting, scratching and even biting. Toga yowled in pain as her quirk was exhausted and she transformed back to herself. Now with the upper hand again, Toga kicked Six violently in the chest, sending her back. Six cried out in pain, angry, fat tears pouring from her eyes as she sat up again. She stood on wobbly feet, her body was bruised and sore all over but she still remained, unwilling to falter. The girls charged each other, Toga predictably pulling a small dagger at the last second. Just as Six landed a punch to Toga's stomach, a sharp burst of pain stopped her rage. Six stumbled back, looking at her rib cage only to see the handle still being held by Toga. Without warning, Toga ripped the knife sideways, worsening the pain and wound before yanking the blade from her body. Now the tears were from pain, all her adrenaline used and left Six defenceless to the slaughter of pain. Six screamed in pain as she felt the bones inside of her rattle and crunch, unaware that she had broken a rib somehow. She collapsed to the floor in agony as she felt each throb of her pounding heart in her side. Just as Six was about to slip into a forgiving unconscious state, she heard Toga a final time.

"It's been fun but, it's time for you to die" she muttered, spitting some blood from her mouth to the side. As the blurry form closed in, there was a deafening boom. A strong pulse shook her slightly before everything went dark.



A police chief works on finding the lost children before it's too late and narrows down the possible locations to only a few remaining structures. Six and Toga engage in an epic throw down in order to keep Mono safe from detection. Six is beaten badly and left to bleed out but before Toga can finish the job, something strange stops her.

Can the police find Mono, Six and RG? 

Is Six going to make it to see?

And what was that strange pulse?

Find out...

Honestly, don't know (the next chapter is practically ready) so probably next month but also maybe sooner??

Ps I know that there is already a cop that is for MHA (Naomasa) but I don't know much about him so I didn't use him in case I made him ooc, so enjoy Briuchi - some random police chief :D

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