Chapter 3: Tumors Bring Family Together

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Photo from Tumblr: Concept & Banner Credit: @baezen 

I convinced Beverly to come with me to work in the morning. I spent all night in and out of sleep on her couch constantly watching her. I got into work and brought her into my office. She sat in the chair across from my desk while I typed up her chart. A knock came on the door. "Come in!"

I wasn't shocked when I saw Levi standing there all scared. I sighed as he spoke "Can we talk. I, um, I need to apologize for what happened yesterday."

Just then Beverly turned to him, and a huge smile spread across her face "Levi! Oh, Levi! Just the son I was looking for! Where is James? He is getting married today!"

I snapped my head up to him as he ran over to her confused "Mom! Why are you here do you need something? Are you lost again?"

I shot up "Again?! Mom?"

He looked at me confused "Is she ok? What is going on."

"You are her son? Seriously. Do you know your mother has been without food for two months as well as behind on rent?"

He looked at me with wide eyes "No... I- I ... I didn't think it was that long... Shit, I have been so busy I forgot."

I walked over to him "You just FORGOT about your mom? You should be lucky you even have a mom. Beverly is the most amazing woman who got stuck with two ungrateful sons."

He swallowed hard "I know, wait how do you know my mom?"

I let out an irritated breath "I live by her. She's my neighbor. Where is James? Why isn't he stepping up?"

Levi shifted uncomfortably "He has a business he runs. I was left to look after our mother."

I was becoming more and more livid "Levi, he's married. Why isn't his wife helping or in charge or what about grandchildren? I mean seriously! I spend even my off time with your mother. I am always over there playing card games. I clean up for her. Shit, I just paid for her rent and food for the rest of the year!"

His eyes got wide, and he started to chew his lip a little before answering. He leaned across my desk whispering "James is not married. She left him at the altar running off with his... um... rival. It's complicated. Our family is far from normal, Dr. Young. I am, however, concerned as to why my mother is here?"

I sighed getting mad at him wasn't going to magically make him the perfect son again. "I am sure she has a tumor. What kind? I won't know until I run tests. Since family is, finally, present we can get on with the paperwork."

He nodded squeezing his mom's hand in a gentle embrace "fine, I will need to call my brother though."

He got up and left leaving me with Beverly. She was sitting there looking like she was on a cloud. I wonder why I have never seen her act strange in our whole three years together.

Levi walked in with a red face he looked like he was going to pass out "So? What did James say?"

He swallowed hard "Run all the tests she needs. Also, he wants you to do the surgery. He won't accept anyone else."

I shook my head no "I can't, I am too close to her as a friend. It wouldn't be ethical."

He looked up at the ceiling "Since when have you ever cared to be ethical."

I looked at him with slits for eyes "What are you saying Levi, you are walking on thin ice as it is already for sending your employer after me last night."

He looked at me with wide eyes slowly sitting into his chair "I was going to apologize for that until I saw my mom. Truly. I was coming to take myself off your service myself. I had no idea he would go that far or cared so much about my training."

I rolled my eyes "He seems like a great company. Who is he anyway? What line of work is he really in because I don't know many factory workers that carry a Glock on their hip with two massive guards?"

He shook his head like crazy "It's safer if you don't know who he is or what he does. Please..."

I nodded yes slowly. I was scared for him, his response and facial features said it wasn't something to be taken lightly, and knowing would only put me in danger. I wanted nothing to do with that.

He signed all the papers, and we were off to get an MRI scan of her head. I sat in the observance room staring at the monitors while occasionally talking to Beverly while we scanned her. I sat there with my arms crossed. I hope to God it is an easy surgery and nothing too invasive. I still can't believe Beverly's son is Levi. I am going to make his life a living hell on my service. The least I can do. How the fuck does a medical student not diagnose his mother's tumor? I'll tell you. A non-existent son. Pathetic. The monitor beeped pulling me from my thoughts.

"No fucking way..." Just as I feared. Glioblastoma. A cancerous tumor that has become deeply intertwined with her healthy brain tissue. These are notoriously difficult to eradicate with surgery alone. Fuck. No one, not even me, has seen one in this state. Usually by the time they are caught the patient has passed. The only thing that has remotely been linked to helping is surgery but even then, the chances are slim. FUCK. It has taken over so much. I kept looking at the scans.

"Holy shit, Amanda. It has tentacles even... Glioblastoma... it's a marvel to look at but this patient is a goner." I turned with a stone-cold face. He did a double-take looking at me "You can't be serious... Amanda this is suicide! This patient is too far gone. You will kill her! Let her spend her last weeks with her family. Please this isn't the time to try and be God."

I looked at him "Dr. Rodgers with all due respect I don't tell you how to treat your patients. You sure as hell don't tell me how to treat mine."

His look softened. He looked into my eyes grabbing my hand "Trust me, I would love to see you prove me wrong but Amanda it's taken 90% of her brain." He looked down at her chart and shot a surprised look "Amanda, you can't even operate if you wanted to..."

I took my hand from his grasp standing up "I will operate. You will say nothing to anyone if you value your career."

He looked at me with sad eyes "Baby, please, you are too close to Beverly. This won't end well. I do not want to see you lose everything over this. You are amazing but this is impossible."

I walked to the doorway "Steve, I am doing it. I am the only hope she has." I left him sitting at the table zoning out on the scans in front of him.

That's the problem with dating another Doctor.You both have opinions on everything. Especially Steve. Even through MedicalSchool, he would fight me on my diagnoses. It's why I admired him so much. He wasnever afraid to debate against me even when he knew he was wrong. I loved thatabout him. At this moment, however, I was pissed at how right he was. She onlyhas two weeks at most. If I get it all out, I could add more years to her life.She's only 63. I can't just ignore her. I won't be like her worthless kids. 

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