Chapter 66: A Non-Alcoholic Bachelorette

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-two weeks later-

*Amanda's Point Of View*

"HAPPY BACHELORETTE!"  I pulled the blanket up over my face.


Levi laughed "I suggest you listen unless you want to see us butt ass naked."

She slammed the door "Me and Marco are not even THIS bad! Hurry up!"

I sighed looking up at Levi "Do I have to do this whole pre-wedding thing. I am three months pregnant. This is just not going to be fun."

He sighed "Why do we just stay in then, me and you watch movies all day and eat whatever you want."

I really do love this man. My god " That sounds amazing. We can..."

His phone went off and he was very adamant to answer it. Ever since his containers went missing he is constantly on the phone yelling at people. Maybe he should go out with James, Loki, and Marco to blow off some steam...

He slammed his phone down "Um, what were you saying before you rudely got cut off?" I shook my head getting up. He reached out for me "Babe, what did I dooo?"

I turned to him laughing "Levi, go to your bachelor party. You need a night out I can see that."

He just scanned my face "What about you? You going to be ok?"

I nodded "I was sent a schedule curtsy of your sister. She has a whole ass day planned for me."

He was struggling to keep his laugh in. I thought about what James would plan. I narrowed my eyes at Levi "What are you getting into tonight,"

His eyes went wide and his hands went up "I don't know...I was told it was a surprise..."

I nodded "I need to get ready."

He whined doing grabby hands at me "Come back to bed just a little longer?"

I shook my head "Nope. My schedule starts in 15 minutes."

He fell back dramatically on the pillows grabbing his chest "How will I survive a whole ass day without you." He sat up "I could always find you during the day or sneak into your room at night like teenagers in a forbidden love."

I poked my head out of the closet raising one eyebrow at him "Why do I get the feeling if I say no you are still going to try?"

He smiled his dazzling smile "Because we both know I will. Due to past events, I can't let you out of my sight. At least for six more months then I can get rid of you."

I ran out jumping on top of him pinning him down "You wouldn't dare."

He smirked locking his arms around me "I got what I wanted."

I shook my head "Always with the hidden agenda. When will you let me in on your secrets."

I could see emotions flashing through his eyes "I told you already. I will tell you whatever you need to know. I have to keep some things to myself" He shrugged and I leaned down giving him a quick kiss getting off him to finish getting ready.

I put on my leggings and a black, grey, and white color block chunky knit sweater. I slipped on my white ugg yose nubuck shoes. I put the moisturizer in my hair scrunching the ends letting my waves fall around my face. I put on light makeup and walked out.

Levi was already dressed sitting on the bench in front of the bed typing away. I walked by and he did a double-take "You look hot."

I rolled my eyes "I'm in basic clothes Levi."

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