Chapter 19: You Didn't See That Coming?

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I finished up the surgery. If you must know, went flawlessly. I got my phone back out. I had a text from an unknown number. It was an address. My connection came through finally. I made my way back to my office. I swear to god those men better be out of the office. I walked into James sitting behind my desk drinking whiskey. "Surgery go good?" He didn't even look at me. He was playing with a pen. "Loki left this contract for you for marriage."

I rolled my eyes "Then throw it out. I won't be marrying him."

He trailed his eyes over my body. He looked drunk. "What happened to you in that month."

He didn't pose it like a question. I studied him carefully. He was on edge and I knew I had to tell him something. He was obviously pissed and sad to find out the woman who left him at the alter actually did it to save his life. Isn't something you swallow easily. Now the woman he has grown to like has come back different and just got a declaration of marriage from the same one who ruined his life.

I let out a breath "James, I trained. I got better."

He chuckled "Yeah, so when are you going to crush me? Huh? When will you take me out?" He stood up slamming his hands on the desk "When will you take my gang, Amanda!" I let him get it out. He was upset. I had no idea what was going to happen. He pulled the gun out so fast. I was frozen staring into his eyes. "ANSWER ME FOR ONCE, I think I deserve that much."

I stared at him a little longer. I walked up to him placing my forehead on the barrel of the gun. After last night I have been falling in love with him. If I was going to die, I would want it to be from him. I stared into his eyes "I can't tell you." He clicked the safety off and I closed my eyes "Do it, do it, do it..."

He lowered it and I opened my eyes to him looking shocked "You would rather die than tell me anything?"

I let out a loud breath I didn't realize I was holding in "James, I could have told Loki everything I knew, but I didn't. I let him torture me and I was almost raped. Now you are standing here with all your power trying to get information out of me... I get it. You are hurt right now, you are fearful right now, but I want you to know I won't leave your side."

I walked over to lean on the desk hugging myself. I am going to tell him...everything. "I was trained by Shield." He choked on air. I knew it was going to be a rough conversation. "Tony trained me himself. I am skilled with a gun and hand-to-hand combat. I planned to come back to take you down... that was until I walked in on someone holding a gun to you. At that moment all I wanted to do was save you. Then last night happened and I fell... more... for you..."

He fell into the chair and pulled me onto his lap burying his face into my chest. "I am so sorry... it's my fault. I promised to save you and I couldn't keep you safe...I couldn't keep you safe..." He started to sniffle. I grabbed his face.

"James... don't. I heard what you did after I was taken. You tired. I projected my problems on everyone else. I didn't want to be mad at me so I took my anger out on everyone else."

He looked into my eyes "Tony never trains anyone...he must have seen potential in you as I did."

I scrunched my eyebrows together "What?"

He laughed running his hand down my back "You are amazing you know that, with your fire and surgical skill? It was a no-brainer you would thrive in my world. I knew the first interaction we had that I wanted you."

I slammed my lips to his. I was over the talking, I knew exactly what I wanted. I let out a breath "I want you to fuck me on my desk."

He smirked against my lips "Your wish is my command, Princess."

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