Chapter 54: Marco Be Like...

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Levi was so adorable when he sleeps. He was passed out from our activities yesterday. I smiled as I rolled out of bed. I slipped on my leggings and his shirt. I brought it to my nose inhaling as I walked out. I practically skipped down the stairs. I was planning on making him breakfast in bed. The house was silent and I looked at the clock. It was seven in the morning. No one was going to be awake for a while. I moved to the fridge seeing a note.


We didn't want to wake you, but we left to go meet up with James. He called at three in the morning asking us to meet him at his house. We will be back to brief you. He said it wasn't important so it's why we left without you. Hang tight. We will call on our way back.


I scrunched my eyebrows together. Still, could have woken me up. Well actually probably best. I was naked in bed with Levi...Cool, Amanda. I turned on some soft music while getting things out for breakfast. I swayed my hips to the beat while smiling popping a grape into my mouth. I was getting into the song, lost in the lyrics when a hand went over my mouth and a gun pressed to my head. I froze. I dropped the knife when I heard the safety unclick. He whispered into my ear "Now be a good girl and come with me and no one will be shot, ok?"

I nodded and he moved his hand down slowly. He spoke again "My boss requests an audience with you. Nicely asking of course. He wants to explain." He pushed me toward the door. We walked out the front door he silently shut the door and all I could think of was how pissed Levi is going to be. He pushed me into the passenger side of a blacked-out Mercedes. I looked over to meet the darkest eyes of the night. I was confused I have never seen this man a day in my life.

"Ciao Bella. Parliamo." (Hello, beautiful. Let's chat.) His Italian accent was super thick. He is either really good at impersonaations or this man is part of the Sicilian mafia...

I swallowed hard talking back "Signore, non ho idea di chi sia. Hai la persona sbagliata. Sono solo un chirurgo." (Sir, I have no idea who you are. You have the wrong person. I am just a surgeon.). My Italian accent however was horrible.

He laughed a sweet laugh "chirurgo, dici? Ho sicuramente la persona giusta. Soprattutto perché parli italiano." (surgeon, you say? I definitely have the right person. Especially since you speak Italian.)

He took off down the drive throwing me back into my seat. I started to speak in a panic "seriamente, non sono una persona speciale. Per favore. Non ti ho mai visto un giorno in vita mia. Veramente. Io - io, posso darti dei soldi! Davvero, un sacco di soldi!" (seriously, I am no one special. Please. I have never seen you a day in my life. Really. I - I, I can give you money! Really, a lot of money!)

He got so annoyed he pulled over slamming his hand over my mouth letting out a harsh breath "Shut. Up. Please. Per una persona così bella la tua bocca diventa sicuramente fastidiosa." (for someone so beautiful your mouth sure gets annoying.)

He slammed on the gas taking off again. I sat in silence. He didn't seem to want to kill me like everyone said he would. What the hell is going on... I must have not been paying attention because when I looked out the window we were passing a sign that said Welcome to Oklahoma! I jolted up "Mi scusi. Dove siamo?" (excuse me, where are we?)

He chuckled "La mia casa sicura. Non posso permettere a nessuno di sgattaiolare su di noi. Ho molto di cui discutere con te." (My safe house. Cant let anyone sneak up on us. I have a lot to discuss with you.)

I slumped down in my seat. Did I save someone he knows? Maybe he's pissed at me for knowing the Barnes? Whatever it is must be important if he is bringing me TO FUCKING OKLAHOMA. I am a state away from everyone. This is not going to end well. After about twenty minutes he pulled into a drive that took us to what seemed to be a ranch house.

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