Chapter 55: Prince Of Chaos

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*Levi Barnes Point Of View*

I woke up stretching out in my bed. I retracted my arms thinking I was going to hit Amanda. I opened my eyes slowly as I reached for her. I grabbed the sheets sitting up slowly. I looked around squinting "Amanda?" I yawned slinging my legs over the side of the bed. I thought I heard a door close. Probably the others coming in and out. I rubbed my eyes walking into the bathroom. I finished up and slid on my grey sweatpants. I thought I left my shirt on the floor but I guess Amanda took it. Just thinking of her in my clothes brought a smile to my face.

I walked down the stairs hearing nothing. All of a sudden tires squealed. I ran to the front door watching an unknown car drive off. "FUCK."

Just as I said that a man came out from the kitchen with his gun raised "Well, Well Well, isn't this rare. The Levi Fucking Barnes. My boss will be so thrilled when I tell him I slayed the deranged crowned prince of chaos."

I smirked "They still call me that. Haven't heard that in years. It's a shame that I don't know your name. You all get recycled so fast it's not worth noting." I shrugged and he marched toward me. Big mistake.

He jammed the barrel into my forehead "Listen here you dumb ass, I am a part of the Sicilian Mafia. You will respect me!"

I smiled "Thanks for letting me know who took her. You have been very helpful so far." I smacked his hand up as he pulled the trigger shooting the ceiling. I grabbed his arm holding the gun bringing it down on my thigh cracking the bone. He screamed out in pain. I laughed "You think that hurts? I am just getting started. You took the wrong girl today."

He looked up at me with wide eyes. I grabbed his neck from the front cutting off his airway. I drug him across the floor to the kitchen. I threw him into the chair shooting his knee. He yelled out again I got at eye level "Now, worthless, tell me where he took her."

He shook his head "No, I cant... I- I am sorry I shouldn't of engaged. I can see I was wrong." I pressed on his knee that I shot making him scream out "OOOK!"

I stopped raising my eyebrows "well, I'm waiting."

I heard another car pull up I looked back at him rolling my eyes. He chuckled hanging his head "I called back up when I heard you come down the stairs. Keeping you busy at my extent will be worth it once I deliver your dead body to Marco."

A smile stretched across my face slowly growing wider. Prince of Chaos activated.

His face fell and he went to speak, not before I jammed the barrel to his head splattering his brains everywhere. I wiped the back of my hand on my forehead which spread more blood around. I sighed. The men charged in the front. Lasers were all over my chest I turned with my hands raised laughing "Now this is a fair fight. What do you say?" I tilted my head looking around. No one was budging "Now men, this isn't going to be very fun if you don't say anything back. Nonetheless, ill make you talk one way or another."

I kicked the basement door open swinging it out into the hall to give me coverage. They shot up the door as I ducked into the kitchen. In three seconds I checked my rounds left in the gun. I only had four. I grabbed two small knives and one big butcher knife. Let's play. I heard footsteps One to my right and two to my left. I laid my head back against the island. I closed my eyes letting out a breath. I heard the one step closer than the other. I bent around the island shooting up at him right in between his eyes. The other two picked up their pace running to me. I stood up shooting both with my gun moving fast between them. Four down four to go. I got up sliding against the wall. I saw the laser flashing around the room one of the guns. I grabbed an orange from the kitchen throwing it out.

"Fuck! I thought it was him. Fan out. He is here somewhere, little shit is going to get what's coming to him. Picked the wrong mafia."

I popped outshooting him in the face. I looked down at him "Naa you picked the wrong person to fuck with." Just then others came running in shooting at me. I ducked behind the wall. "COME ON NOW, I DON'T EVEN HAVE A SHIRT ON!"

I took off the other way. I was going to shoot at the guy on the stairs until I felt a barrel at my head. "You know buddy. You should have taken the shot." I slammed the butcher knife behind me into his stomach causing him to drop his gun falling to the floor in pain. I leaned over him "I admire your sneak skill. Very good to get past me. You should have taken the shot." I pulled the knife out of him slicing his neck putting it back in the hem of my sweatpants. I left my gun by him. I was out of ammo. I grabbed my two smaller knives out in each hand. The guy had his back to me and the other was talking to him. I threw the knife at the one who was looking my way it went right into his neck. I ran up behind the other guy before he could turn around. I drug my knife deep and fast across his neck.

A bullet whizzed by my face and I let out a laugh "Fuck that would have been a great shot!!" I moved into the office. I heard him barreling through the house. Last one. I moved to the side of the room as I watched his shadow. He stood by the door and then unloaded his gun into the door. He kicked in the door. I smiled walking to face him. He aimed at me and pulled the trigger. His eyes went wide I smiled "Someone isn't checking ammo." He ran at me with his fist I grabbed it twisting it behind his back. I whispered into his ear "Where is she?"

He struggled against me yelling out "FUCK YOU!"

I huffed "Sorry wrong answer." I broke his arm and kicked his legs out hearing a loud snap. He screamed out.

"OK... The – the vehicles will take you to her... you – you won't make it in. He has ten trained assassins lining the house!!"

I nodded like I was really thinking about it when I could care less. All I wanted was Amanda, safe. "Pleasure doing business with you." Before he could answer I jammed the butcher knife into his neck straight through. He fell on his side choking on his blood. I walked upstairs to my bedroom changing my clothes. I put on cargo pants with my combat boots. I slipped on my white t-shirt tucking it in. I left my room heading to my weapon wall.

I got to the basement pushing the side panel. It moved aside to reveal all my old gear. I ran my hand across my weapons and my old marine uniform and my bulletproof vests. I grabbed my twin holsters putting them on over my shoulders. It crisscrossed in the back with a belt across the front of my chest to hold it in place. I put my twin Glocks inside the holster. I sucked in a breath strapping my knife utility belt on and putting another gun holster on my thigh.

I got out to the car the guys showed up in. "wouldn't youknow, he wasn't lying" The screen lit up with a destination in Oklahoma labeledsafe house. These guys are stupid. "I'm coming Amanda." I took off down thedrive driving faster than I ever have before. All I know is she better be aliveor all hell is going to be unleashed. 

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