Chapter 46: Tension, We Love You So Much

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I was busy packing my suitcase as fast as I could. What should I bring to Montana? Is it always snowing there? God of all places, Montana?

"Hey Kiddo, I missed you."

I whipped around so fast rushing at him pulling him into a tight hug. He coughed out "Ok, be careful, I am old and injured."

I quickly released him stepping back "Sorry. Here sit on the bed." I pushed my suitcase over and he sat down with his hands on his knees.

He let out a sigh "Loki of all people brought Morgan back... she is in the guest room resting. She got tortured a little. She's eight..." He rubbed his hand on his face I could tell he was trying to hold it together. He looked up at me "Don't hold back in Montana. You kill them all. Do what you were trained to do."

I knelt in front of him grabbing his hands "Already planned on it. What did they do to Morgan?"

"They cut her arms and broke her leg..."

I nodded "I will cut and break everything on every person I see. You can count on that. No one will get away with this Tony."

He nodded cupping my cheek "Thank you. I love you kid. I really do. I would wish you luck but Levi is going with you so I know you will come back in one piece."

"Why do you say that?"

He laughed and winced at the pain "Levi once took out six of my top men. He didn't know it at the time but that's what put him on my radar. He is a literal badass, but what do you expect from someone who was born an assassin. His dad made sure of that."

I nodded looking at the ground. I stood up "Do you know anything about a stronghold in Montana?"

He nodded "Of course, shield knows all." He looked at me "There is one place I know of off the top of my head. It's in Bozeman Montana. It sits with trees around it. Pretty much on open ground but a fortress to get into. I'll send you the address." I nodded "Amanda, you should get going if you only have a week to save him."

I nodded "I know, part of me is scared I am not going to be good enough."

He laughed "Seriously?" He coughed "Oh, you are? Amanda, with you and Levi these fuckers better run for the hills. You and Levi are no match for a newbie gang like this. James was most likely taken by Brian, the leader. He is the only one that would have been able to overpower James by surprise."

I nodded and Levis's voice broke the silence "Hate to interrupt but Amanda we have to get going."

I sighed zipping up my bag. Levi walked over and grabbed it for me throwing it over his shoulder. "Shall we?" I ran over to Tony giving him a gentle hug.

He whispered into my ear "You'll do fine. Be safe. I'll see you soon."

I kissed his cheek and followed Levi to the SUV out front. He threw the bags in the back and slid in the back with me. He let out a sigh and signaled for Oliver to drive. He was looking out the window like he was hyping himself up "We will be taking a private plane. Also, I got us a hotel room but forgot to run it by you so I just got two beds. I'll get my own room if you want."

I shook my head "No, it would be better if we were together than we can keep each other safe."

He nodded still looking out the window. The rest of the ride was silent. I was so worried about him. I couldn't tell if he was worried about becoming a monster or the fact that his brother might be dead. Did he even want to save James? Was he mad at him? My door opened and I didn't even realize we were here. Oliver spoke, "You going to get out or need more time?"

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