Chapter 77: Play Dates

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Present Day

*Amanda's Point of view*

I was still replaying the words in my head. Why was he mad at James for wanting a family? That didn't make any sense. I was fidgeting in the back as the sun was coming up "What day is it? How long have I been..."

He cut me off "You have been here a week. It is Thursday."

I was shocked to get a straight answer out of him. Should I push my luck? "Why are you affected by James wanting a family?"

He scoffed "Because he is living my dream. He's a monster who has done nothing but horrible things. Why should he get my happily ever after."

I looked at him in the review mirror "Even monsters deserve happiness. He has changed. Over the last three years...since his brother died...he has really changed who he is. Why can't you just talk to him instead of violent."

He slammed on the breaks and I hit the back seat letting out an oomph. He whipped his head back "Because violence is the only thing to get his attention. It's the only thing to show him I am serious about this. He can't get away with letting me rot. If it were him in that situation I would have looked for him until the end of time."

I scrunched my eyebrows together "I just don't understand how him having a family and living a happy life prevents you from doing the are obviously free now, why not find a woman and settle down?"

He laughed turning forward "Because the woman I want has been taken from me. You want me to fight for a married woman?"

I shook my head "You have to know others besides your brother's wife. There have to be others."

He laughed his hair-splitting laugh. I was over the hostility and code words. "Listen, I don't know who you are or why you are obsessed with James. It is clear that you have issues that you project on others around you. I will not let you subject me or my kids to your craziness."

He let another laugh out "Man, I wish you were single." My face fell as he looked at me in the review mirror "The things I would do to do. For you. With you. James is one lucky man, for now." He shrugged his shoulders.

I kept quiet the rest of the ride. I didn't want to anger him and not get the chance to hug my kids. We pulled back into the base. He parked the car and my door was swung open by him. He yanked me out pushing me into the car. He trailed his hand down my cheek "Be a good girl alright. Your kids are here."

I nodded as he nodded. He grabbed my hand leading me inside. We stopped outside the door and he froze. I could see the sweat bead down his neck. I grabbed his forearm with my free hand "They are just kids...Really sweet and loving kids. Want to come in too?"

He nodded swallowing harshly. He was acting really strange so much that it put me on guard. He nodded to the guy guarding the door. We walked in and both my kids squealed running to me. I dropped to my knees embracing them tightly. I started to cry as Leo spoke "Why did you leave us so long mama. Daddy has been so sad."

Everly spoke up "Daddy sad..."

I sniffled nodding. As the devil spoke, "You call him dad?"

I turned looking back at him "He is his dad." He let out a deranged laugh and I was panicked. I didn't want to tell Leo his dad died. He calmed his laugh nodding his head. "Fine."

Leo ran up to him and he flinched. Leo smiled "I like your mask." He turned to me "Mommy I want a mask too."

The devil laughed "Let's get you one. Today. Come on." He stuck his hand out and Leo took it.

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