Chapter 79: Soulmates

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*Levis Point of View*

She was sobbing in my arms. I expected a happier reaction...not so much this? I couldn't understand her emotions. Yeah, sure she thought I died but...jeez she seems to be destroyed. I grabbed my shorts sliding them on I handed her my shirt that she robotically put on.

James shot up from beside the bed holding his gun up at me his arm was dripping blood all over my hardwood floors. The nerve. "Why. Why didn't you come forward sooner? Why let us get married. Why let me get a taste of a happy life. A gorgeous wife, beautiful daughter, amazing nephew. Why would you let me have that only to take it away?!"

I stood up from Amanda moving to him "You left me, with Zemo. You thought I died. Do you think ME of all people would want YOU to marry the love of my life?! YOU fucking think I wanted that?"

He clicked off the safety "You reeked hell on our father's legacy. You used the family secrets to bring me down, to bring us down!" He sighed "Levi, I fucking buried you..." he had tears forming, and for this first time I realized he truly loved me "I thought I lost my only brother..."

I walked up to him "Just end me. I am too far gone. I don't know right from wrong. I am a danger to everyone around me. You saw what I can do. Kill me."

Amanda shot up yelling at us both "You can't kill him! He's a father. Both of you are dads... stop this now... James, please...Don't make me choose."

James laughed looking at me "What if I did make you choose?"

I glanced at Amanda. She had her hand over her mouth for a second. She dropped her head, I wanted too badly to go hug her "I would choose him, it's always been, Levi. I would pick him over and over and over again."

I looked over at James as he turned to stare at her with so much love and pain at the same time. He adores her "I-I don't want to let you go through...I finally got a taste of having that life I almost had all those years ago." He ran a hand through his hair "Amanda, I don't want a divorce, but I can't share you either." He pause yelling "Fuck!" he ran his hand down his face. "I can't keep you with me at the expense of your happiness." He looked up at her with tears "I will have the papers sent over tomorrow. As for Everly, I expect we can solve visitation without the courts."

He walked out pulling out his phone. I turned to her she was crying again but not like before "Levi..."

I walked up to her pulling her to my chest. She buried her face silently crying. I pulled her face up to her by her chin "Baby girl, what do you need from me? How can I help you..."

She backed up wiping her eyes "We just have to take this day by day..." I nodded as she ran her hand over her face "It's fine. Everythings fine. We will get over this. We will be a family. We will move on from this."

I grabbed her hands pulling her to me "it will take a while. You are right though we are both dads..."

Her face fell and I could see the pain "I am so sorry Levi...I should have been able to tell the difference if you were alive or dead. I should of..." I kissed her. I missed this woman with my whole heart. I have done so much for this woman. I would do anything for her. I can't believe she is back in my arms. I dreamt of this moment for the last four years. All I've wanted was her. All I need is her. I pulled her body flush to mine as we kept kissing. I didn't want to part, I didn't want to leave this room. We parted and she looked up at me.

"I will stay by your side until the end. I failed you before...I won't do it again."

I cupped her face. Her soft sweet face "baby girl, I failed everyone. I thought it was best for me to stay away but I couldn't stay away from you any longer. I love you..."

She looked up at me with a tiny twinkle back in her eyes "I love you much it kills me."

I smiled down at her "Heres to a new forever, together." I pulled her to the bed and she hesitated to lay down "What's wrong?"

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