Chapter 43: Bitches Be Trippin'

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I got on my phone calling Tony right away. To my surprise, he answered right away "Amanda, do not come home..."

I felt a surge of anxiety go through my whole body "Tony... please listen to me. I didn't kill Thor without cause. There is..."

"An uprising. Yes, I know. Pepper is..."

The phone cut and switched around "Amanda, hi. Pepper here. Yeah, so it seems I couldn't convince Tony to turn on you after all. Shame really. His death is your problem. Once I kill him, I will have the whole gang against you sweetie. This was my mission from the start. I did not endure eight years of marriage to this billionaire, playboy, philanthropist for nothing! You will pay for taking my Thor from me. I am going to kill you for sleeping with him. If you show up here, I'm going to kill you." I heard a gun go off and the line cut.

I dropped my phone yelling to Oliver "Pick up the speed we need to get to shield now!"

James gripped my hand "Amanda, think, do not act on emotions. We need to get men together to storm Shield. Especially if that shot was to kill Tony we are fucked going alone."

I nodded "Get your men in SUVs now. I'm going to call Loki."

He smiled nodding at me. "Yes ma'am."

I rolled my eyes. Loki picked up on the first ring "What do you need?"

"Do you have any men that would be loyal to listen to me? I have to storm shield and possibly kill everyone."

He was silent "Give me twenty minutes."

He hung up the phone and I looked at James. He was talking on the phone getting everyone the details on what we were doing. I was seriously over killing people every five minutes. To be honest the fact that I still have a job is amazing. They need me too much though so not like I am going to get fired and if I did would I do this 24/7?

We pulled up to a cabin in the woods. I looked over at James "Where are we, we should be heading to shield!"

He sighed "Doll, we need a plan. We are all meeting here. I sent Loki the address. Please calm down..."

I cut him off. "ok... ok you are right I can't just run in there...God, James..." I started to tear up and he pulled me into his chest.

"I know, I know..." He stroked my hair "Tony has taken the place of your dad. I see it, but we have to do this right or everyone could die."

I nodded wiping my tears "I get it now... Thank you." He kissed me for a second before leading me to the cabin.

We walked in and he went to the fire to get it started. "I'll be right back, we need firewood." I nodded as he went out the back door. I looked around the cabin. It was in a forest with redwood trees all around it. I could see a faint mountain in the distance. I hugged myself walking around the huge living room. It had wood accent beams and the furniture was covered in brown plaids, really getting a grandpa feel. I walked to the window to see James with his sleeves rolled up. He was chopping wood and I was getting really turned on at the way his veins popped as he slammed the ax down. Who knew this would be hot...?

"Ew, are you done drooling over my brother?"

I giggled turning around "No, never." He pulled me into a hug. I knew this was going to be normal now considering I almost died.

Steve walked in with Loki trailing behind him. "Well, Well, Well, Look whos back from the dead!"

I smiled "Loki, pleasure as always." Levi gave me a disgusted look and I scrunched my eyebrows "What?"

He shook his head "This man tortured you and now you two are all buddy buddy?" he moved his two fingers from his eyes to Loki "I'm watching you. Don't think just because this girl likes you I will suddenly forget. She's forgiving, my Glock isn't."

I put my hands on his chest "Ok Levi, we get it. You want to shoot Loki..."

He was still staring Loki down "Oh not me personally, it's my Glock." He pulled it out moving it around "This thing has a mind of its own." He smiled down at me and I rolled my eyes grabbing his gun and putting it back in the holster on his side. He laughed moving to the chair flopping down dramatically.

I looked over at Loki and Steve "Are the men on their way?"

Loki laughed "You think this is my first time? They are outside in the SUV parade. Ready when we are. Where is that broody man of yours?"

Just then James stormed in with a pile of wood in his hands. He threw some pieces in the stone fireplace and put the rest aside. "Thanks for coming so fast." He threw in some paper into the fireplace lighting it with the lighter that was on the mantle. "Let's move to the table and strategize." Why did he look so hot? What is wrong with me right now. Focus Amanda.

We all sat down and everyone looked at me. My dumbass says "What?"

James held in a laugh rolling his lips inward "Doll, you know shield better than anyone. More importantly, you were the closest to Tony and Pepper. What would be the best way to attack a fortress-like that?"

I internally punched myself in the fucking face 20 times. What a dumbass. "Right." I cleared my throat thankful it was just my main boys. "Tony only has 12 men at his disposal in his home. The gang all together has around 150 members." I paused looking down at the table "My guess is only 72 men will be at the house. Most members are here in the states but recently Tony had to send his top met to Italy to take care of some business." I looked up to Loki "How many men did you bring. I have been out of the loop for two weeks."

He nodded "I only have 20 men that stayed loyal after the uprising with Thor." He looked out the window I knew it killed him that his own brother would do this to him.

I turned to James "How many men did you get?"

He smiled "84." Loki rolled his eyes. They acted like it was a whos dicks bigger contest.

I sighed "Ok, here is what we do. The south side is bare. If I read pepper right she seems to be acting on impulse. Her last thought would be to bulk up security since she thinks I will run in alone. I could hear in her voice something was off." I looked at all my boys addressing Steve first "You know the ins and outs of the house. You brief Levi." I turned to James and Loki "I need snipers posted on the north and west side of the house. Set them all up, every single one you brought." They nodded "We will go in waves of 26 men. That gives us four rounds of men going inside. Make it 25 minutes apart exactly." They nodded getting up and walking out to the SUV's. I had a sick feeling in my stomach. I just need to stay on guard, protect who I can, do what I can.

Now isn't the time to get distracted. Pepper of all people was out to get me from the start. I really wasn't safe anywhere I went. And to think, that bitch brought me oatmeal.

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