Chapter 10: Weston

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*The photo above is Weston*

The drive was a lot longer than I thought. Made me wonder how James got to my house in only 40 minutes. "Yo, Weston, can we stop at In-N-Out pretty pleaseee."

I batted my eyelashes at him in the review mirror. He blushed smiling at me "Sure, Miss. Young."

I was taken back by his voice and the fact that he said yes so quickly. I leaned forward in between them on the center council "Damn Weston, what a voice. It's really deep. Where did James Barnes find you, two fine men?"

They looked back at Levi who was smirking. He was going to let me have my fun. If I am forced to do this, I am going to make the most of it. Oliver spoke up "I volunteered Miss. Weston here owes James his life."

My eyes got large, and I sat back. Levi chuckled at me "Don't ask questions you are not ready for the answer."

I narrowed my eyes at him "You are not as innocent as you put on either. Tell me, how many people have you shot."

I heard the two men suck in a breath. Levi's eyes got extremely large. He shifted in his seat smoothing out his pants of invisible wrinkles "Let's just get through the week... ok?"

I ate my burger in peace. The rest of the ride was silent. I was formulating a plan in my head on the way. I was going to keep Weston close to me. For some reason, I trusted him more than anyone in this car. Plus, he was honest and the only one who smiles at me. He gives me respect and oh my god I sound like I am falling in love with any man with gorgeous eyes. This week was going to be fun.

We were pulling up to a massive gate. He scanned his card and it opened. "Weston?"

He looked back at me "Yes, miss?"

"I want you to guard me at all times. I will pay you to stay by my side."

His eyes got large and he looked at Levi who also looked at me with wide eyes. Levi spoke "Amanda, you don't need protection here... It's a fortress..."

"Please it would make me feel better."

He smiled at me "Anything for you, Miss."

We pulled up to the door and James was standing outside drinking his whiskey with his other hand in his pocket. I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach. Oliver opened my door. I looked up at the 8.7 million dollar home. Why one man needed such a big house was stupid. He smiled at me.

"Hello doll, Welcome to my home."

I scoffed "All these rooms and your mom is in an apartment."

He grabbed my arm "Careful speaking on matters you know nothing about."

I rolled my eyes "Weston! Come on!"

James shot me daggers "You do not command Weston. I do."

Levi walked up and patted James' shoulder "Not this week you don't bother. Weston has pledged his service to Amanda. She asked him and you told them to abide by her commands soo..."

I smiled at Levi turning to James with a cold stare. "Weston." He showed up next to me. I looked up at him smiling. I linked my arm with his "Take me to my place."

James sipped his whiskey holding a smile back. I let out a sigh "What is it?"

"Guesthouse is full. You'll have to stay in the house."

I rolled my eyes "Ok. Then Weston will take me to where I am supposed to be." James looked me up and down before nodding and walking ahead into the house. He was pissed that much was apparent.

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