Chapter 78: Blindsided

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*Amanda's Point of View*

"Goodnight babies. I love you both so much. Mommy will see you in the morning."

They smiled saying I love you while pulling the covers over their heads. The door shut in my face as the men moved in front of the door. I looked up at them sighing "Ok, Ok, I'm going." I turned walking into my room where a man was stationed outside. He pushed me in locking the door. I can't believe this is my normal.

*The Devils Point of View*

I threw my mask off into the corner. "What was that today. You fucking idiot. Don't get involved with her. She moved on with James." I looked into the mirror "But she still loves you." I punched the mirror "No she doesn't. she loves the old you, the dead you. She loves the good Levi that died." I ran my hand in my hair "Fuck. I wanted to kiss and fuck her in that alley. I almost did. I almost broke my rule." I punched the wall as a knock came on the door. The wall busted as a cloud of dust filled the air. I placed my mask back on. "Come in."

In walked my first in command "Amanda slipped me this card. She said the man requested time with you. She thinks it's smart to meet with him." I nodded swiping the card.

"I'll look into it. Leave." He nodded rushing out of my office. I miss her. I miss her touch, her laugh, her smile, everything about her. She was almost... "mine."

"I am definitely yours baby." I looked up to the whore prancing in.

I shook my head "Not tonight. Your services are not needed."

She eyed my pants "I beg to differ. Please let me do my job..." She pulled on my pants rubbing me from the outside.

I shoved her away "I said no. You want to be shot?"

She shot up running out of the room. I rubbed the back of my neck. I need to see her again.

*Amanda's Point of View*

The sun was setting. Meaning Thursday was coming to an end. I walked into the bathroom touching my hair. I really needed to wash it. I got in the shower taking a long-needed steam. I got out letting my hair air-dry into curls. I walked back into the room. What was I going to wear? I had a dirty combat outfit, a dirty arrival outfit, and a dirty dress.

I sighed walking into the closet. My mouth hung open it had other clothes in here....this wasn't like this yesterday. I ran my hand across the clothes. I pulled a white short sleeve crop with grey sweatpants. I slid on ugg marble slippers and walked back out scrunching my hair. He was standing in the center of the room. I froze "Ummm... what's wrong now?"

He shook his head placing his head in his hands "I um wanted to ask you something. I know what I am about to ask is messed up. I know that. I know it isn't right, but since you got here I've wanted you..."

I blinked "Where is this going?"

He sighed "Can I kiss you..."

I looked at him. Really looked at him I moved to him with a smile on my face. I pulled him down kissing his wooden cheek. He stood up pulling me to him. I looked up at him "There ya go. Goodnight." He moved his face to me close as he turned to tie a blindfold over my eyes. I laughed "This isn't exactly what I had in mind."

He turned me around. I heard him sigh and soon felt his breath on my face. My whole body went stiff. He took his mask off. Moments passed. I went to move the blindfold and he was gone...He was gone. He didn't want to kill me after all? I looked at the bed. He left a purple mask that matched his. I giggled at the thought of us running around together. I actually felt a rush. I never heard the door lock.

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