Chapter 39: Unlikely Pair

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I was walking around Loki's House trying to come off my high. I found my way into a library. There were books on everything all the way up the wall, it was crazy. My hands were shaking still. I needed to chill out. I walked along the books trailing my finger across the spines. I took in a deep breath breathing in the old book smell. It was intoxicating.

I was shocked to find my favorite book, Pride and Prejudice. I couldn't believe Loki would have this book, but then again there are books on everything "It was our mother's favorite." I turned to see Thor staring at me with his arms crossed. "She would always pick that book and head over to that nook by the window to read it. She called it her 'me' time."

He slowly made his way to me. All I kept thinking about was Loki telling me not to trust anyone. Not even Thor. I smiled flipping the pages to quaff the book smell. It truly was intoxicating. In med school, I would always go to the old library just to breathe the smell in. Actually sounds really creepy now.

He sighed "Thank you, for saving Loki... we should have gone to you sooner..."

Something was off when he said that as if he didn't mean a word he said. It sent a silent chill throughout my whole body. I shook my head "Can't change the past. He is healthy and alive in the present it's all we can focus on and be grateful for now."

He nodded, he looked like he wanted to say something. I pretended to read and he finally spoke "Are you worried that he will be changed and want to redo the fact that he tried to sign Asgard over to you?"

I closed the book giving him my full attention. He has no idea I already own it. He seemed to have a loving tone to him but his face was showing something else. "No, even if he did, He will be much better to negotiate with instead of trying to reason with a tumor."

Thor looked at me shocked. He opened his mouth to speak but it wasn't his. "Loki... awake... asking ... for you...Miss. Young...." He was panting out of breath. My god, he must have run around the house for me. What a spaz. This gang has strange members. I followed him back to the clinic. Leaving a frozen Thor. I was nervous. What if I broke his brain, what if he's furious I fixed him, what if he changes all his plans.

I walked in and Loki fanned his hand telling the men to leave. It was just us. Great here we go. "Amanda, I-I don't know where to begin."

I pulled a seat next to his bed "It's ok. Take your ti..."

He grabbed my hand smirking "I don't know where to begin to apologize."

My eyes got wide "Loki..."

He shook his head "NO. I need to apologize. What I did to you was unacceptable. You didn't deserve that. Secondly, I still want you in charge of Asgard but I would like to assist. Third, pretty sure Thor is working with an outside group to take down the triads. Triads being Hydra, Shield, and Asgard."

I covered my mouth in shock. I didn't even think about it but getting me to his side would have helped him immensely. I looked at Loki dropping my hand to my lap "Ok... wow. So I forgave you a while ago. Thor is a shifty person and I would love nothing more to team up with you as long as marriage is finally off the table. Especially since I already signed the deed..." I pulled it out of my pocket showing him. He quickly folded it back up shoving it at me. 

He looked deep into my eyes "Lock this up." I quickly slid it back into my pocket. He let out a nervous laugh "Yeah... sorry about that. I am reliving memories and punching myself in the face. I was very sporadic and acted on impulse. I didn't know what I was doing half the time but it doesn't excuse that. I should have come to you when you emerged as a celebrity. I figured I was a lost cause after every doctor said no." He sighed fidgeting with his hands "Seriously I owe you more than my gang." He looked into my eyes grabbing my hands "I owe you my life. I will stay by your side until you push me away or kill me. I can't tell you how much lighter and quieter it is in my head now. Having that inside me, festering, growing, feeding off me for the last ten plus years, it was like I got used to it."

He started to trail off. I was completely taken off guard by this. I have heard of extreme cases of tumors affecting memories and actions but I have never been involved in the memories or been on the receiving side of the actions. It's surreal to see it unfold in front of my eyes. Guess I know why patients cry and some even divorce spouses realizing it wasn't what they really wanted. Sad stuff but it happens.

"Loki, we need to figure out where to go from here. What is our plan of action? What do we do." I leaned in looking around to whisper in his ear "What about the key?"

His eyes got wide "Keep it. You must keep it. People will learn of the power change. They will come after me thinking they can shake me down. You need to hide and protect that key with your life. It is literally the key to all the information we need to merge the three organizations. 15 years ago the leaders at the time decided on one person to rule. Someone who proves worthy to lead them all."

He smirked "It's you."

My eyes went wide "NO... I am just a surgeon I have shit to do, lives to save. I can't run a massive mafia..."

He laughed "You are perfect for it. You already have my gang, I know you are labeled as the successor of Hydra. Shield is the only one I have no idea on. Plus you will pick a second in command as well as leaders of the three gangs." I was dying holding back tears. My second in command is six feet underground. Fuck. I will need to choose someone else. Someone that hasn't already decided on me being their successor. James and Tony are out of the quest. Fuck doest leave many options. 

I lifted an eyebrow "Like a council? Hey guys, it's Amanda, your boss. Here is the weekly newsletter on what to expect this week. Any questions ask the Mayor of your clan. Xoxo Surgical Mafia Boss."

He busted out laughing but I was being kinda serious. I kept a straight face. What does he expect to come of this? Do they become civilized? As if.

He spoke "Exactly like that. It will actually be like that. You make the ultimate decisions. You would be president. Then have a vice president and then Mayors. Look don't worry too much about it now. As you can see it will be a while. Thor could be paired up with a number of random groups that are trying to make a name for themselves. These people could be laced in our group right now, not just thor. Could even be bosses like Tony."

I looked at him funny "Tony wouldn't."

He scanned my face "How do you know?"

I sighed "I am also beneficiary of Sheild. Tony trained me and saved me. I can't see him as the take-over type. His vision is peace. He doesn't see the mafia as peace."

Lokis's eyes were huge "What did he tell you Sheild stood for?"

"Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division..."

He busts out laughing "AS IF! It stands for Serving Hades with Inspiring Enforcement and Logical Deception."

I fell back against the back of the seat starting at him "Loki, I need proof of this. Where can I find proof...? Why would he tell me something different and then name me his successor?"

He shook his head "Isn't it obvious. He believes if he gets you on his side, you will become brainwashed to follow his lead. When the information surfaces I bet my life he tells you he had no idea."

I put my head in my hands letting my next words come out muffled "I am such an idiot."

He laughed "No, you are the smartest person in the world. You just are dumb when it comes to the mafia."

We both started to laugh. My face fell and he looked at me confused "How do I know I can trust you?" 

He laughed "I let you operate on me and sighed my gang over to you. What more do you want from me?"

I went to speak as Thor walked in "Well I see you are happy. Does this mean Amanda is still the leader of Asgard?"

I looked at Loki who looked at me. I knew we were both thinking the same thing. I spoked "Yes. I am to take Asgard as mine. Just me. No marriage."

His eyes went wide "No co-partnership or second in command?"

I shook my head no. He turned to Loki "you can't be serious!?"

Loki rested his head back "Dead serious."

Thor stormed out and Loki looked at me "And so the games begin." 

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