Chapter 6: Invites are fun

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*Photo is Levi (Dylan O'Brienabove, James(Sebastian Stan) brother*

"If you do not get this next one right, I have lost all hope for you. Seriously, Levi, you have to get this right. If you don't, I am going to question everything." He was sweating across from me. We were in my office studying like we did every time I had a break. Once six o'clock hit we were with Beverly eating dinner.

"Amanda, I have a confession... you make me extremely nervous and my brain can't function. Maybe I should switch attendings."

I stared at him with a stone-cold look "Hardy Har. Shut the fuck up and answer the question." He looked at me with wide eyes while smiling "What is the first thing you do when you get a new patient?"

He looked out the windows then back at me "You get them checked in."

I started clapping "OH MY GOD LEVI, you actually got that right. There could be hope for you after all." I walked around the desk looking at the time. It was 5:57 at night "We need to head to Beverly's room. You ready?"

He got up and walked into the hallway with me. He slung his arm around my shoulders "You know how much I hate the height difference. Why must you taunt me?"

He laughed as we moved "Because it's the only thing I have the advantage in with you."

I looked up at him smiling "It is the ONLY thing you do have over me."

We started laughing, it was a bad joke but doctors don't really know good jokes. Our people skills are not the best. We got closer to the door for her room. I quizzed him down the hall while he kept his arm over my shoulders. We got to the room. Beverly was already eating. We were a little late. She looked up smiling as we walked in "Finally, are you two dating?"

Levi dropped his arm fast "Mom, please, you know she is with steve. Plus I am not smart enough for her."

Just then a man in a black suit walked in "Which one of you is Dr. Young. A nurse said she was in here."

I stood slowly as Levi stood as well like he was protecting me. I let him. "It is... me."

He smiled walking over handing me an envelope. "Here you are, Miss."

I took it and he left right after it was out of his hands. I stared down at the envelope as Levi let out a laugh "How dramatic. He could have sent it to Steve or put it in the mail." I looked up at him funny "Oh come on. You know who it's from." He was right I did know who it was from. The question is why? I stood up throwing my meal away.

"Beverly my shift is over, I need to head home. Is there anything you need before I go?"

She looked up at me dead serious "To marry one of my sons."

Levi choked on his jello "Mom, come on leave her alone."

I giggled to which Levi looked at me shaking his head as if to try and stop me from my next statement "I guess Levi wouldn't be a horrible option."

Beverly laughed "He is my little boy. Very handsome and in touch with his emotions. Would make a splendid partner."

Steve cleared his throat and Levi shot up "It's nothing, nothings going on!"

Beverly and I erupted in laughter. I spoke, "Levi here was just telling me he's next in line when we don't work out." I shrugged my shoulders holding back my laugh.

Steve busted out laughing "Man, it's going to be fun tonight. Did Amanda let you know I will be quizzing you at night now?"

His eyes got wide. I turned to steve kissing his cheek "Do go easy on the poor boy, he still isn't very good."

He laughed "Depends, on your scale he's probably dumb like rocks but on my scale, he could be a steven hawking."

I rolled my eyes "As if!" I hugged Beverly and Levi goodbye "Steve wants to walk me out?" He smiled nodding yes while he waved to them as we went into the hallway.

"Amanda, you're human side is showing recently."

I nudged his shoulder "Yes, yes, the ice queen's heart is thawing." He looked down at the envelope in my hands.

"Where is that form?" I almost forgot I had this obnoxious envelope.

"It's from James I am guessing. Didn't you get one?" He shook his head sticking his hands in his pockets. "It was weird some man delivered it. I assumed you got one too." I paused as he kept walking he turned around when he noticed I stopped "Here, ill open it now." Steve smiled at me. I knew what was on his mind. I opened the black velvet envelope to reveal an invite.

I looked up at Steve with a confused look

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I looked up at Steve with a confused look. He took the invite out of my hands. He scanned it over and looked up at me "So let's go then. It will give us time together. We can book a room for the weekend and stay."

I looked up at him smilng falling into his arms "That sounds wonderful. I haven't taken a day off in my whole life."

He smiled down at me "Yes, that I know. Even in college, I tried to get you to take off and you brushed me off, well more like told me off. I always tried to get your attention." He pulled my face in for a kiss. "I will make all the preparations and get the time put in for us both for that weekend. You think they can live three days without us both here?"

I thought about it "Ohhh shit, I don't know Steve. We pretty much run this bitch. Without us, this place would go down like a sinking ship..."

He chuckled kissing the top of my head "sucks for them. We are taking the weekend." We got to my SUV and he closed me in and pushed himself off the door doing a dramatic goodbye wave. Yeah, I think I love this man. 

I drove home thinking about how fun our weekend will be. I seriously can't wait. I have never attended a gala or auction ever before. I always donate checks to random charities because I have so much money I am not sure what to do with it. This seems like a perfect use for it. I am going to go nuts. Only $300 per ticket which is surprisingly low. I expected it to be $1500 a person, not $300. I wonder what will be sold there. No idea. I got into my apartment and started to pack. It was a week away. I looked in my closet. "Oh god. Well, I need to call off tomorrow and go shopping." 

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