Chapter 52: Little Moments Like This

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*Back to Amanda's Point Of View*

I woke up in my bed? I could have sworn I fell asleep on the floor. I sat up rubbing my eyes it was four in the morning. Did Levi move me? Levi... I stood up looking around my room. I poked my head into the bathroom and then the closet. I walked out hugging myself. I squinted at the bed "Don't be ridiculous, he's not under your bed." I rolled my eyes grabbing a towel and headed to the shower. I stripped and got in. The hot water was a shock to my muscles. I was in so much pain. I stood under the water for a while. I finished up shuffling to the closet slowly. I pulled on grey sweatpants and a regular white crop t-shirt.

I scrunched my wet hair and decided to go find food. I walked quietly down the stairs I didn't want to wake Levi. I walked past the office to light still on. Why the hell did he leave the light on. I walked in not thinking. I froze with the handle in my left hand. He was passed out drooling on the desk with a bottle of whiskey in his hand. God, he's a mess. I walked over to him and grabbed the bottle. He shot right up whipping his mouth "Hey, you ok?"

I nodded "Yeah, you should go to bed... you look exhausted..."

He chuckled lightly "Naaa, I am gooooooood." I rolled my lips in trying to not laugh I was supposed to be mad at him. "why is your hair wet?"

I rolled my eyes and he clenched his jaw squinting at me. I cleared my throat trying to push the hot flash out of my body "I took a shower. I can't sleep. I was going to get food."

He nodded moving over to the front of the desk He leaned back on it "I have a sister. A seeeeeeecret sissstaaaaa." He chuckled and I moved closer to him.

"Levi are you ok?"

"OH, definitely sweetcheeks I am fan-fucking-tastic. Oh and you better address me as your equal. James signed Hydra to me so I can redooooo alllll yallls ruleios."

I moved to the front of him. He hung his head as if he was scared? I moved between his legs trying to lift his face up. He surprised me by wrapping his arms around me pulling me to him. He nuzzled in my neck "I am soo so so so super duper sorry for the last 48 hours. I was an ass. I only thought of myselfies."

I grabbed his face lifting it up so I could see his eyes. They bored into mine. I could see the pain, guilt, hurt, nerves. He was so worried "Oh Levi..." He grabbed my face pulling me into a kiss. It deepened and I moved into his body. His right hand moved down my face to grip the back of my neck. He slowly moved his other hand up and down my side. I let a moan escape and he pulled back. He stared down at me "I wish I could make you mine."

I scrunched my eyebrows at him "Levi, let's get you to bed." I let him lean on me as we walked to the stairs.

He sighed "You were never going to be mine. Even though I got to have you for one night, you belong to another my lady." I felt the tears prick my eyes thinking of James pushing me away. I swallowed my pity and kept carrying him up to the second floor "Amanda, you are so bery very beautiful, you know that? My brother has no idea how mutha fuckkin lucky he is. What a bastardooo." I let my giggle escape. I agree he is a bastard.

We got to his room and I opened the door walking him to the bed. I sat him down lightly. I turned to leave and he pulled me to him. His face was pressed against my stomach. He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me between his legs again. "Levi, we shouldn't."

He looked up at me "Just lay with me, please. I don't want to be alone tonight." I pushed him back and pulled off his shoes. He fumbled with his pants. I looked up at him and sighed helping him get them off. He ripped his dress shirt off, literally. Buttons when flying everywhere and his muscular chest was there on display. I grabbed the blanket and covered him up. I walked to the other side sliding in. I got under the blanket and he immediately pulled me to his chest. I could hear the sound of his heartbeat settling down. He was relaxed. Not long after he passed out. I felt his whole body become relaxed. I sat up a little looking at his face. He looked so much older as if this past year altered him. He looks more mature more...

His eyes opened and we were in a stare-off. He pulled me back down to him "Don't stare at me, that's weird." I let a giggle out and he continued "I don't need you falling in love with me now. That would make life a little messsayyy."

I sat up smiling at him "You know you are not so bad drunk. You're kinda funny."

He smiled "Not the only thing that no so bad while I'm drunk." I rolled my eyes laughing "No seriously I do sex so much better drunk. Wanna see?"

I pushed his arm off me rolling away. He rolled over pulling my whole body back to his. He nuzzled into my hair. His other arm draped over my body. I reached out slowly intertwining our hands. He huffed "Damn. I am all yours..."

With that, he passed out and me shortly after.

I woke up alone in Levis's bed. I was so confused. I looked at the clock it was ten in the morning. I rushed out of bed and down the stairs. I could smell bacon? What the fuck, I thought the maids were sent home. I walked into Levi strapped to a chair. My eyes got wide and he glanced at me shaking his head no slowly. The man at the stove was someone I have never seen before. I started to back up and ran into someone else. A hand clamped over my mouth and pulled me back into a closet. He turned me around and tears escaped my right eye. Tony smiled down at me putting his finger over his lips. He whispered "Don't worry we won't forget Levi. No one gets left behind, daughter."

I wrapped my arms around him tight. I missed him so fucking much. I really could use a mom and dad right now. I was so overwhelmed with the information over the last couple of days that I really needed someone to confide in. Who better than my stand-in parents? Footsteps went by and that's why Tony pulled us out making a break for the door. Oliver was beaming at me with the door open. I ran into his arms "Oli!" He chuckled giving me a quick squeeze.

"Nice to see you again Miss. Young." He winked at me and I smiled getting into the backseat. Tony slid in next to me and Oliver waited. We all waited. Levi wasn't coming out. I heard glass break and gunshots. I jumped out the other side while Tony and Oliver yelled at me. I opened the front door to Levi bumped right into him.

He caught me smiling. "Awe, you didn't think you could get rid of me that fast, did you?" I bit my lip pulling him to me. He surprised me by lifting me up running to the car "Sorry sweet cheeks but we kinda need to skedaddle." I threw my arms around his neck as his hands gripped my thighs carrying me to the car. He threw me in and shut the door just in time as men rushed out shooting off their guns. We got to the main highway and I let out a sigh. I didn't even realize I was holding levis hand.

I didn't want to let go until Tony cleared his throat. "I should warn you...Everyone is at the safe house."

I looked at him confused "What do you mean?"

He sighed "Natasha, Bruce, Clint, Steve, Pietro, Morgan, Beverly, and Loki."

I smiled "So you literally meant everyone, well I am excited."

We pulled up and for a second being surrounded by family I felt the most powerful. Levi slung his arm around my shoulders "Let's go make a kick as plan."

I smiled up at him. This should be fun, right?

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