Chapter 15: Here Lies The Past Me

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"You can't be serious!" Thor smashed his hand on Tony's desk. Tony stood up.

"Know your place. Who runs this organization."

Thor lowered his head "You, sir. Sorry."

He nodded "I realize you have feelings for her but she is ready to be released. She is not our prisoner but our comrade. Got it?"

He nodded rushing out of the room. I looked up at Tony "I don't even know how to act going back to normal life after being here."

He laughed "You can always live here, stay here. Pepper and Morgan would love it."

I smiled "Just Pepper and Morgan?"

He rolled his lips in "Yup, yup. Not me at all. I hate you as you know." I laughed as we walked over hugging me. "You are always welcome here. You have all our numbers. Call if you need anything or something goes south. We will always back you up."

I smiled into his chest. I really was going to miss this place. It was kinda peaceful besides getting the shit kicked out of me the first two weeks. The last two weeks however were everything to me. He released me rubbing his eye. "I am not crying over your bitch ass. Get out of my office."

I smirked rushing out before he actually killed me for seeing him cry. I got into my room packing my bag. A knock came on the door. I turned to see Thor "You really are leaving then."

I smiled at him "Come on we both knew this was going to happen. I have to end James."

He shook his head "You really don't though. Let James go. It's just a dumb revenge vendetta you have. James probably doesn't even know you hate him. Just stay here, with, with me..."

I looked at him sadly "Thor I can't give you what you want. I don't love you."

He nodded with a half-smile "I know. But in time, maybe..."

I shook my head "I am not someone who loves others. I don't know how." With that, I grabbed my bag slinging on my shoulder walking out of my room and out of his life. I wish we could be friends but you can't be friends with someone who wants more. I got into my car gripping the steering wheel. "You can do this Amanda. Drive."

I pushed the button turning the car to life. I took off down the driveway on my way to my apartment. I pulled in and entered my code. The gate opened and I pulled into my usual parking garage. I got out grabbing my bag making my way to the building. As soon as I made it in I went up to my place. I fumbled with the keys a little and finally got inside. I dropped my bag and my eyes widened. My whole apartment was ransacked. Everything flipped and torn into. Wonderful. I never kept anything in here. The only thing they found were old pregnancy tests from my scares with Steve. It's the only thing I hid. I never keep anything at my house. I keep it all in a vault at the bank. I whipped out my phone making my first call. Seeing if I still had a job. "Treyson Memorial Hospital, Dr. Nicolas Swart chief of surgery."

I let out a sigh "Man that's a mouth full. Hey, Nick, it's Amanda."

He was silent his next words were like a whisper " god. Are you ok? Everyone has been looking for you..."

"I know. I was kidnapped." I heard him suck in a breath "Anyways I am back now and I am better than ever. I was calling to see if I still had a job."

He let out a crazed laugh "Without a doubt you do...we need you. The whole neuro department is up in flames. Flies everywhere, patients suing. It's a fucking shit show if you want to jump into that?" He sighed "I didn't think we would hear from you again. Not only did you get taken from this hospital, but you had better offers."

"I know Nick. But I like it here. I am a new person now." I paused "can I start today? I can come in and put some fires out."

He laughed "Um yes please, I needed you in like yesterday."

I laughed "Ok I am on my way." I looked around my apartment. I think it's time I sell it and move out. I need a change of scenery. I changed into the scrubs that were thrown around my room. I finally found a matching set and opened my front door to reveal a distressed Beverly. She wrapped me in a hug, and I hugged her back. If there was anyone I missed from my past life, it was her. She didn't speak and neither did I. I knew Levi must have said something to her.

She finally let me go looking into my eyes. Her finger traced the scar on my eyebrow and the bottom of my lip. A tear escaped her eye "You are not the same Amanda, are you?" I shook my head "Oh, Hunny..."

I smiled at her "Beverly, I am ok. I am actually more than ok I am fantastic. Trust me, I have evolved."

She nodded still looking sad. "Will you come by when you have a chance for cards or dinner?"

I nodded hugging her again "Of course I will. I wouldn't miss it. I do have to go through. They need me at the hospital." She nodded and I was off. I got back into my car and took off to the hospital.

I pulled into my usual spot. I checked my back seat for my gun. I sipped one gun into my bag the other in the center of my car. I let out a breath and walked with my head down to the entrance. I got in fine. Keeping my head down I almost got to my office when I bumped into someone. Papers and flies everywhere. I let out a sigh "I am so sorry." I started picking them up. I noticed the person wasn't helping me. I looked up to see Steve. He was in shock. He fell to his knees crying. I rolled my eyes "Steve, don't make a scene." I gathered the papers and dragged a crying steve to my office. I walked into it looking like a fucking mess. Files all over the desk cabinets were on the floor. Looks like someone came here too to find me. I sighed pushing steve into the chair across from the desk I threw the papers into the empty chair next to him.

I folded my hands together placing my elbows on the desk "Go on, you have five minutes to get all the questions out."

He fumbled at first with his words and finally spoke more clear "How did you survive? Where were you? Why so long? Why come back now?"

I smiled "I have you to thank for the rescue actually. I have been with Tony Stark." His eyes went wide and he shifted uncomfortably in the chair. "I survived with training from Tony that took a month. I came back because I have unfinished business. I plan to take someone down."

His eyes got wide "Loki!? You plan to take Loki down?"

I laughed standing up. I walked to the windows putting my hands in my pockets "I plan to take them all down, sweetheart."

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