Chapter 67: I Do, Maybe

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*Amanda's Point of View*

I got back to the hotel and plopped on my bed. I looked over to see Wanda sitting on the balcony. Ever since we let her out of the cells a week ago I still keep tabs on her. I walked over to her sitting next to her. She jumped at my sudden appearance "Oh, Amanda, Hi. You feeling ok?"

I nodded "Why are you out here it's chilly."

She smiled pointing to the sky "My brother and I used to track the constellations. We would make new ones up and log them in our books. Mother thought we were strange but we didn't care. It was the only tradition we ever had."

"Look, I always liked you I just don't trust you. I know you have grown close to someone over the last couple of days so I am hoping that sticks."

Her eyes got wide "If I wanted to sell you out I would have done it days ago and not drag it out. I am not one for the flare. That's Pietro's department. Flare indeed, leaving me high and dry. His own sister, to go on a revenge mission. Turns out pepper wasn't just sleeping with Thor."

I turned to her "Do you know where Pietro is?"

She shook her head "He used to send postcards to the bakery but once you put in an appointment to taste cakes he stopped. It was like he wanted me to go with you willingly. It's why I have been so on edge. What if I am chipped or he knows where I am? It only puts you in jeopardy."

I reached over hugging her. Hormones am I right? She pulled back wiping a tear clearing her throat "Right... ok. We should go to bed. Big day!" I nodded as she walked back in. Just then a smoke bomb went off inside and lasers were pointed everywhere. I looked down over the balcony if I could escape. I started to climb over when a man with a mask grabbed me cuffing and putting tape over my mouth. He grabbed me along with Beverly, Caroline, and Wanda. What a way to end the night.

*Levi Barnes Point of View*

I woke up checking my phone. No missed calls or texts? Amanda is either busy or sleeping. I smiled typing her a little message.

Hey baby,

Can't wait to finally make you mine. Listening to you screaming my name every night is what keeps me going. See you so gorgeous.

Your Husband.

I yawned getting out of bed rubbing my eyes. I can't wait to marry this girl.


I got to the church and James was pacing. I looked at him funny as I got out fixing my suit "What is your problem?"

He pulled me over to the side placing a soft hand on my back, something was wrong "No one can find Amanda. The hotel was brok..." I turned pulling my phone out. James grabbed me "Levi, listen to me. Pietro isn't alone. He turned some of Hyrda's men against you. That's how he got the containers."

I clenched my jaw "Did that little bitch Wanda have anything to do with this?"

He shook his head "No, not at all. How could she with no communication with him? We made sure of that."

I nodded "I'll be back."

He grabbed me again yanking me to a more private area "Levi you cannot go alone. You will not make it out alive. They have made it impossible to find her. I have had men looking for the last 10 hours..."

I stared at him and in an instant, I pulled back landing a punch to his eye. The blood instantly trickled down from his eyebrow. He patted the area laughing "Figured as much."

I turned walking away "Like I said, ill be right back."

I got into the car speeding off. I am going to kill him. I am going to kill them all. I pealed into my driveway making my way to the office. The house was deserted as it should be I was supposed to be getting married and moving into a new home. I stomped into the office met with a shot to my side. I grunted looking up to see a hitman sitting at my fucking desk "Not sure you know this but that is my desk. Not nice to pretend to be the boss. Let me show you why I am the boss." He lifted his gun up ready to shoot. It was like slow motion. I rolled over to the chairs in front of the desk as he continued to pop more rounds off.

I pulled the gun out popping up shooting him right in the head. I heard his body hit the ground and I gripped my side. "God damn it, my white shirt. Amanda is going to be pissed." I got up standing over his body. I started unloading the clip into his chest until I was out of ammo "You asshole, she's going to yell at me for this. Stupid!" I kicked his body walking out to the basement. I needed more weapons. I pulled my gun and knives like usually making my way back out to the car. "Oh shit, I should stitch this up. I ran into the kitchen to get the first aid kit. I did the fastest and worst stitch job ever.

I walked back in patting the guy down. I finally found his phone. A message popped up "Is the target down?"

I smirked "Never send boys to do a man's job." I typed back Yes. A wire transfer was made to his account I send the details to my phone. I found a location on his phone as well. My loading dock. I ran out to my car speeding off. This was going to hurt them more than me. The drive felt like it went on forever. I knew I should have been more protective of her. This is just what I get for falling in love with such a wanted woman. Not to mention I added a target well more so inserted a target inside her. Our child has been saught out long enough.

I pulled into a spot grinning at my reflection in the rearview mirror. I got out and immediately had shots fired. I ran up to the crane that was loading contains on the boat. My gun fell out of the back of my pants on my way to the top. I let out a frustrated sigh. No matter I broke a pipe off. Let's do this.

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