Chapter 32: Start of A New Order

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The ride to hydras base was quiet. No one spoke, no one looked at anyone. We just sat in the most awkward silence. There was no music either. I just kept comparing Weston and James. We arrived at Hydras base. It was in an old bank. We walked in the front door. Five guys were standing spaced out. There were two metal detectors as well. James nodded to all his men and walked through the metal detector. It went off but of course, no one cared. Weston walked through, nothing. I walked through and it went off. One of the men walked up to me and James walked between us "You touch her, I will kill you. You see her walk in with me correct?" His eyes were wide as he backed up. James grabbed my hand lacing our fingers together. I was too shocked at where we were to focus on it. He led us to the bank counter.

Only one window was open. A beautiful blonde was making eyes at James and Weston through the window. "Hello, boys, here on business?" James nodded not dropping my hand or paying her much attention at all. She blushed slipping a card through the opening. "Enjoy, Mr. Barnes" He didn't say anything. He took the card ignoring her flirty smile. It made me a little jealous, to be honest.

We stood in front of a bank vault. He pushed in the cement block to reveal a scanner. He slid the card and the vault opened. Three men were waiting inside. They looked at our hands and nodded to us. James moved us into the vault to an elevator. I was blown away by all the security measures to get into this fucking place. It looked no bigger than a master bedroom upstairs. The elevator opened to reveal a huge ass basement. More like a warehouse.

We moved back to a room like office and James moved behind the desk still holding my hand. He took a seat and pulled me onto his lap. I rolled my eyes getting up and he locked his arms around me. Weston started to move to the desk and I held my hand up. The look on his face fell and he was extremely pissed "I am going to wait outside with the men. I'll be at the table." James nodded and I mouthed a sorry.

He ignored me and left. I was stuck between two really hot guys and I had no idea what to do. I turned to James "Why did you have me sit on your lap? It was unnecessary." I pushed off his lap, walking to the front of the desk. "How many men are in Hydra? I need to know how many assassins, hand-to-hand men, and snipers. If we are to do this we need the best."

He was leaning back in his chair smiling at me "First off I knew it would piss Weston off and I needed him out to tell you this. I do not trust him. You do not know the reason he is in my debt. Weston cannot be trusted."

I shook my head "Then tell me."

He huffed lighting a cigar. He sucked in slow staring me down and then let the smoke out "His father was the one who shot my father. They were best friends. Weston is here because he owes me his life. He did not willingly come. So to see him prance around acting invincible because he's with you it boils my blood."

I sat in silence. What do I say now. His dad killed James dad. How do you make that better. My voice was just a whisper "I didn't know," I walked over to him putting my hand on his shoulder. He moved his hand to touch mine but he didn't. He moved his hand to his thigh rubbing it awkwardly, instead, he sat up straighter "I am so sorry James, Losing a parent is never easy."

He cleared his throat "He can't be trusted."

I straddled him catching him off guard, quite frankly caught myself off guard too. He didn't put his arms around me and didn't even look at me. He kept puffing on his cigar. I rested my hands on his chest "Ok. Ok... I-I want you as my second in command."

He looked up at me taking his cigar from his mouth "I will not. You need to keep Weston close."

I moved closer to him "Fine."

He cupped my cheek "You need to be stronger if you are to be a ruler of powerful gangs. You cannot flip flop, you will seem unsure."

I nodded getting up from his lap. He let out a sigh and put his cigar back in his mouth. He's right. I need to stop thinking with my vagina and start thinking like a king. I sat in the chair across from him. I looked at him "So are you going to stare at me or answer my other questions."

He smirked nodding. He let more smoke come out "I have 104 members, five trained assassins, two snipers, and the rest of the members are a mix of hand to hand and guns." He puffed more pressing a button on the desk. "I have summoned my top four guys, one from each of your requested specialties." He put the cigar out "Come. Stand behind my desk."

I shook my head "I will stand in front of it."

He smiled at me "So be it."

The men came in. They had to be 6'5 and 260 pounds at least. Massive men... intimidating men. I scanned them, they all looked down at me with lustful eyes. The middle man, whom I guessed was the leader, looked up at James "You asked for us?"

He shook his head "No, she did."

I stood there staring at the men, I wanted too badly to run out of there. I wanted to stand behind the desk with James and let him take control. I need to be a king. Even if these men are his best. One top assassin, one top sniper, one top fighter, and one top gunman. I opened my mouth to speak when the man spoke up "You can't be serious..." James must have given him a look. He swallowed and addressed me "Go on, what is the meaning of us being here?"

I straightened up clearing my throat "We are attacking one of Lokis's strongholds tonight. We are taking only the best with us."

He started to laugh "We don't take orders from you," He turned to James "This little girl can't be serious?"

I was pissed I walked up to him staring up. "You will address me. I am leading this fight. You will address me."

He reached out to grab my throat and I smacked his hand away. He reached his other hand out and grabbed my throat lifting me up. My head was getting light and I could feel the blood drain from my face. I heard James move his chair and I put one hand out to stop him. The man started to laugh and it only fueled me more. I thrusted my legs up around his neck. I pulled him close to me. I jabbed his shoulders and neck causing him to collapse. I sucked in a breath coughing. I stood up throwing my hair back letting out a breath with my hands on my hips.

All the men in the room were silent. I turned to the other three "Whos next?" I pulled my gun out tunning the safety off. "I am the leader of Shield, I expect you to respect me. I will take over Loki's gang with or without you."

They shared a look and the man who was passed out started to come around. He sat up on the ground. He let out a cough looking up at me "Where did that come from?"

I rolled my eyes pointing my gun at him "What is his specialty, James?"

I could hear the smile in his voice "He's the best sniper in ..."

I shot his leg and he screamed out "Fuck!"

when I heard sniper I knew he didn't need his legs. I looked at the other men. I walked in front of another "What about this one? What is his specialty?"

They all looked at me with wide eyes. They put their hands up. I looked at them all straight-faced "Kneel." They looked at James and I shot the same guy in the leg again "I said kneel, next shot will kill your so-called leader."

James spoke, "I wish I could say she was kidding but she shot me as well."

Their eyes got wide and they knelt. I spoke "Now that I know you are all going to listen. This will go much easier. Now, James, I need the first aid kit for Mr. Show off here."

Weston burst in with the first aid kit already. I grabbed it from him as I walked over to the man I shot. Westin spoke "you know it's getting really scary that every time I hear a gun shot I turn into a nurse bringing you your medical shit." I rolled my eyes moving so that I could straddle the man I shot. My back was to him. He let out a sigh "This view isn't so bad." I looked up to Weston and James both shooting daggers at the man.

I rolled my eyes. "This is so you don't spaze out." He looked at his men, then all the men looked at me weird. I ripped out the bullets causing him to yell out. My position on his legs kept him from lodging his leg in the air. I fixed him up and got off cleaning everything up.

He looked up at me "You fixed me after you shot me?"

I turned to him "What never met a surgical mafia boss? Well first for everything."

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