Chapter 51: Filling In The Gaps

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*James Barnes Point Of View*

---One week ago, pepper takedown—

"Looking good, next team get ready." I tried to hide my smile. Amanda was sure a force to be wreckin' with. My force. I couldn't stop thinking of what I wanted to do after all this was over. King and Queen of the mafia. She would flourish in the position of power. I turned back to the last group, my group "Ok men let's group up we are on in 30 seconds." I went to the back and Steve went to lead. "2...1...Go!"

A gun was held to my head causing me to freeze. It was just me. I let out a chuckled as to not show fear "And who might you be?"

He scoffed hitting me in the back of the head with the butt of the gun. I flinched forward letting out a huff. I am going to kill them. "Brian Pots." I tried to hold my smirk in. He continued "You're coming with me. Barnes." 

Ohhhh yes I was. This was my chance. He is an idiot for thinking he could just take me. I nodded putting my hands up.

Levis's words pierced my train of thought. "They have Amanda, FUCK! I fucked up again!!"

My whole body filled with rage. I turned to run back in "YOU ARE A FUCKING WORTHLESS BROTHER. YOU KNOW THAT!?"

I started to move and he yelled to me "Move and I'll kill your mom, Beverly. Yeah, that's right we know where she is."

I turned to him speaking through gritted teeth "Fine. Let's go."

He threw me into the back of an SUV with a bag over my head. I felt the car stop and I was dragged to a concrete room. Guessing it was a basement. I remembered the path down here. He set me in the chair and punched my face in the bag. I guess that's what we are doing, the cowardly thing. He took the bag off and I squinted at the lights. It was bright as fuck in this dungeon. 

"So, Barnes you are going to give us information and all of it."

I shrugged "Sure, information." 

He walked over hitting me across the face. "My mom hits harder than that. You call yourself a gang?" Another punch. I spit out blood laughing. 

He crouched down in my face "Who is the new leader of Asgard?"

I smiled at him "Mafia Princess, She is the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen. Besides your sister." 

Another punch. "Don't get smart with me." He pulled out his gun and shot my foot. Yeah, that hurt. He lowered back down to my level "What is her name?"

I squinted my eyes "Not sure, I was trying to figure it out myself. Why is she so important, she run away with your heart?"

I laughed and he slammed his heel into my gunshot wound in my foot. I ground my teeth staring him down. He shrugged "You're going to be dead soon anyway." He turns back to me from a table. He picked up a hammer. How fitting. "She holds the key to the world. We want it." 

"Sorry, still not following."

He chuckled "She literally has a key that has information and passcodes to every gang in this area. Even Hydra." 

That was news to me. Wonder why Amanda didn't say anything. I smirked "Impossible. Last I heard the Mafia Princess was MIA overseas in France." I raised my eyebrows and closed my eyes acting like I just let information slip. 

He smiled "Pleasure as always James." He took out his phone calling someone "France. Yup. OK. Thanks." he walked over to me with the hammer and I knew what was next. He went to swing back when a call came in "WHAT?" He fell to his knees and I was really confused. He looked up at me "Turns out your friends are a little more than I thought." He took off and I knew it was my chance to escape. 

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