Chapter 26: And Now For Your Regular Scheduled Program

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*Back to only Amanda's POV*

I woke up next to James. He was passed out. I rolled slowly and quietly out of bed. I had to get to the hospital today. I had surgeries like crazy today and I didn't need any distraction or to be late. I slipped on my scrubs and walked out the bedroom door smashing into Weston. "Ow... Shit. Why are you just sitting out here?"

He smirked down at me "I was coming to wake you up for work."

I rolled my eyes "Ok, let's go before you know who wakes up. I need to work today." I smirked at him as we made it to the front door. He opened it looking at me scared. "Weston, you are to keep James away from my office, and hospital all day. You fail, and ill shoot you in the foot." I giggled getting into the back of the SUV while he got in the driver seat swallowing loudly.

He looked back at me as we started driving "Amanda, you know that is impossible. He will literally shoot me if I stand in his way. I am really sure he wouldn't mind either and I am definitely on his shit list due to current events."

I laughed "Yeah, about that. Why did you put me into the stupid performance?"

He averted his eyes "I honestly was told James was going to be late." He pulled into a spot at the hospital. He gripped the wheel resting his forehead on it "I um..."

I wasn't listening anymore I saw red lights flashing. He noticed and I jumped out with him behind me. "Dr. Rodgers, What the hell is happening?!"

He looked at me and then at Weston. He ran his hands through his hair "Semi crashed into four cars and another semi flipped over killing five, injuring six. We need all hands on deck." I saw the gurney being pushed in one after another. I sighed.

"Count me in." I yelled to the nurses behind the desk "PUSH OFF EVERYTHING TODAY, TRAUMA TRUMPS ALL!" They nodded and I followed the injured bodies.

Weston yelled at me "What do you need me to do!?"

I huffed "SIT IN MY OFFICE! I DON'T HAVE TIME TO BABYSIT YOU WESTON!" I got into the surgical room. The girl was vomiting everywhere and complaining of numbness in her arms and legs. She said she had a headache and I knew right there she had a brain bleed. She was put under and I went to work.

I drained the fluid that surrounded the brian and repaired damaged blood vessels. This is so the hematoma can expand without damaging brain cells. I ran out doffing my gear throwing the chart to a stressed-out Levi "HERE!" I yelled out her prescription while I ran into the other surgical room "Prescribe her blood pressure and headache medication." The door shut leaving me in the room with a patient whose leg was broken.

Steve was just closing up on the chest cavity. I held my hand up to the anesthesiologist. "Keep him under! I won't be long.

A surgical tech spoke up "I am sorry, there are no brain issues here."

I looked at her "I know. You think I am stupid?" she shook her head crazily "I'm here to fix the broken leg." Steve smiled walking out of the room. I moved by the left leg starting an ORIF (open reduction and internal fixation). In this procedure, I just stabilize and heal the broken bone. I used rods to hold the tibia together. I sealed him up and everyone just kept staring at me. I ran out doffing my gear running to the next room.


I cut them off "MOVE!" this was a mother. I ran up with shocks and hit her chest with a low-energy shock. Her heart picked up the pace and I jumped in "What the hell are you doing?"

The surgeon looked up at me "I-I was removing her kidney..." 


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