Third Year 1974

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Chapter Nineteen

Remus had been regretting telling his friends about his 'furry little problem'. They would now avoid him like the plague and would have whispered conversations that would stop as soon as he was near. Why? Why did he listen to Prim and tell them, he had enough with one friend knowing, at least he knew she wouldn't leave, but the boys, the only friends he ever had apart from Prim, he wasn't so sure.

The only time he had seen them act as they normally would was on his and later on James's birthday. He had so much fun and laughed so hard he had almost forgotten his friends were kind of ignoring him. Only remembering when once again they would leave him all alone, hanging by himself in the common room or their tree by the Black Lake.

I was walking down the hallway looking for Remus. Finally after months of trying, me and the boys had managed to become animagus. When they realized I had known about Remus for the last four years they almost lost their minds. They bombarded me with questions and asked why I never told them.

Just like me, they were set on finding a way to help Remus, so I told them about what I had been planning for the last two years.

Peter was the first to be able to transform, then it was me. After that Sirius and James made a bet to see who would transform first. When Peter told me how it happened I just wished I was there to see it.


It was around three in the morning. Sirius had been trying for hours non stop to transform when he finally did it. The first thing he did was quietly sneak up to James's bed, then jumped on top of him and licked his face. James woke up so startled that he turned into his animagus in that exact moment. Peter, who was a light sleeper, had woken up to witness all of this, and was surprised to see that Remus and their other roommate hadn't woken up considering the chaos that was happening in their room.


I found Remus wandering the halls. "There you are, I've been looking everywhere for you." "Oh so now you want to see me?" "What are you talking about?" He scoffed. "I don't know, maybe the fact that you four have been ignoring me for the past few months." "There's an explanation for that, if you just follow me I'll tell you."

Reluctantly Remus followed as I started walking leading him to an empty classroom where Peter, James and Sirius were already waiting. We stepped inside and I closed the door behind me.

"What is this all about?" Remus asked so Peter was the first to speak. "After you told us about being a werewolf..." He knew they were going to tell him they wanted to stop being friends. "We wanted to find a way to help you." He was shocked and James continued. "We didn't know where to start, but Prim here, she had been looking for a way for years."

He slowly sat down at an empty desk looking at me, so I started to explain. "I never found anything that could cure you, just like you told me, but I refused to give up. I thought I had hit a dead end and would never find a way, but then I found out werewolves attack humans but not animals." He gave me a confused look. "I realized we could become an animal. Professor McGonagall can, so why not try?"

"It took almost half a year, but we finally learned how to become an Animagus. That's why we were avoiding you, we wanted it to be a surprise."  He just looked at us, opening and closing his mouth before asking.

"Why would you go through all this trouble just for me?" Sirius snorted. "Because you're our friend." "This is so reckless! What if I hurt you!" "You won't." Affirmed James "But I..." I stopped him before he could continue. "Look what's done can't be undone Remus. We didn't work very hard for months just for you to tell us we can't help you on full moons, so you're just going to have to deal with the fact that we want to help."

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