Sixth Year 1976

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Chapter Forty Nine

Sirius felt like he was suffocating as he restlessly tugged at the collar of shirt. "Stop tugging Pads." James swatted his hand away, fixing his tie once again, this wasn't an unusual sight. James Potter has always been what you could call the mum friend of the group. He was always making sure we did our homework, or wore a sweater when it was cold, overall making sure we took care of ourselves. He sometimes felt like if he didn't, we wouldn't last a week. It wasn't uncommon to hear him 'chastise' us for our 'unhealthy' tendencies. You would hear things like: "Moony stop picking at that scar it is going to bleed again, Sirius you aren't too punk for breakfast sit down, Wormtail set that book down and get some sleep before I take it away, Prim five cups of coffee isn't food, eat something."

It is Ravenclaw's annual halloween party, and despite Sirius's discomfort he hadn't been able to refuse when asked to dress up. He had even agreed to watch the movie so he knew exactly who he was supposed to be dressing up as. "I just hate this." Sirius said defeatedly. He felt uncomfortable. To anyone else Sirius looked very handsome and quite charming sporting a three piece, black striped suit, but to him it reminded him a little too much of a place and time he hates.

"It isn't quite that bad Padfoot you ought ..." James's answer was lost to his ears, as he looked up the stairs when he heard the sound of laughter. Alice and I were making our way out of our dorm to join the party, walking with arms entwined, giggling as we talked.

When we reached the bottom I let Alice go and turned to look at Sirius, who took my hand and gave me a spin. "Cara mia, you look stunning in that dress." His hands settled on my hips. I'm not wearing anything grand. Just a long black, sleeved, velvet dress, Amelia had kindly agreed to make, in honour of one of the most iconic muggle tv couples: Morticia and Gómez Addams.

"You look very handsome as well." I replied, taking my time admiring him. Sirius might've hated the idea of wearing a suit, but the smile on her face when she saw him, that was a sight worth of relieving his worst memories a thousand times over. "I know I do love. Shall we then?" He offered his arm and I rolled my eyes, taking it nonetheless. It wasn't a long walk, after all the party was in Ravenclaw's common room and he was waiting at the bottom of the stairs.

The party was already in full swing, the common room crowded with many students from different houses fifth year and up. Sirius and I found the rest of our friends, each of whom had their own costume, near a corner. "And what are you supposed to be?" Sirius asked Remus, who was wearing the classic red and blue suit. "I'm Spider-Man." Remus answered as if it was obvious, and it is, to a few people that is. "What the bloody hell is that?" Sirius looked utterly bewildered. Remus rolled his eyes. "It's a muggle thing. He's a superhero from a comic, I'm surprised Amelia was able to pull it off." Remus said amused. "A bloody what?" Sirius asked again, making me laugh. "There is still so much to teach you about the muggle world." I tell him, slightly patting his cheek. "But that's for another time. I really want to dance." I took his hand in mine and dragged him to the empty space designated as a makeshift dance floor. The next few hours seemed to pass by in a blurr. I lost count of the number of drinks, there were a few firewhiskey shots here and there, and of course non-stop dancing.

I was standing next to the drinks table, taking a break from dancing with Alice, Lily and the girls. From where I stood I could see Sirius perfectly, he had left with Remus a little while ago to take a breather. He was sitting on a couch, tie and jacket gone, and a few buttons of his shirt undone. He looked heavenly. Head thrown back as he took a drag of smoke and let it out. A girl was sitting next to him, smiling, twirling her hair, touching his arm. Her attempts are painfully obvious.

I don't know if it was jealousy, the alcohol, or maybe it was a mix of both, what fueled my actions. I finished the last of my drink, and with my head held high I crossed the room. Without warning I sat down on Sirius's lap, sending a glare at the girl who was clearly trying to flirt with him. Doesn't she know he is spoken for?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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