Fifth Year 1975

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Chapter Thirty Seven

For two days the raging battle that was brewing inside me wasn't as in my head as I thought. It was the little things, that one would think didn't really matter, that gave it away. It was the distracted look and spacing out in conversations with the lads, how I kept glancing at Sirius trying to decipher if he was as emotionally distressed as me. If he was nervous about what my answer would be, he sure didn't show it. But worst of all it was the way I would look away or try to avoid any kind of eye contact with Sirius as if I was hiding something.

If James and Peter had noticed they didn't ask, only Remus did. Of course he would, he wasn't my best friend for nothing. "Are you alright Prim?" He asked, pulling me out of my thoughts. "What?" I turned to look at him. "I said are you alright? You seem a little distracted as of late." "I'm all right Rem, nothing to worry about." He looked at me suspiciously."Are you sure?" I gave him a smile and nodded. "I am." He looked like he still didn't believe me, but decided against pressing more on the matter.

Truth is I couldn't really tell Remus what was on my mind. I knew what he was going to say. He wasn't as patient as Alice waiting for me to figure it out. He would just outright tell me what he thought and what I should do. To be honest his answer might be the right one, but I don't know if it's the answer I want.

Two days later...

Another birthday, another success. Even though most people must have thought it boring by now, our little birthday traditions mean the world to us. It is one of those things that bonds a group of friends for the rest of their lives, and then maybe one day in the future when our kids are all grown up, and start attending Hogwarts, we'll tell them all about our adventures as we listen to them tell us about theirs.

These past four years I have learned that sometimes the most unfounded and reckless decisions can lead to the most amazing and life changing experiences. Life was worth the risks, I just pray that I don't regret the ones I take.

"Sirius. Sirius are you sleeping?" I asked in a whisper as to not wake anyone up. "You must know by now that I rarely sleep." He answered. Taking a deep breath I told him the words I am hoping I won't  regret. "I'll do it." I couldn't look at him, I just kept staring at the ceiling. He sat up. "What?" I sat up to meet his eyes. "I'll go with you to Narcissa's anniversary party." He grinned at me and took my hand. "Thank you Prim. Truly you have no idea how much this means to me." I just smiled at him and nodded.


The next three weeks were complete chaos. You would think I would be used by now, trying to keep up with four rowdy boys, school work, pranks, full moons, and the two latest conquests: a dating life, and preparing for what could possibly be the most disastrous night of my life. Without developing even deeper feelings for one of my best friends.

Learning everything about each pure blood member to ever exist, especially the ones in the Black Family, and their history; which spoon, fork and knife is the adequate one for every meal; how to greet someone correctly; how to sit; how to stand; how to breathe. Basically learning every minuscule detail as if I was born into the British Royal Family. I'm starting to believe being Queen Elizabeth's daughter would be less arduous.

Though I can't lie, it's been the most entertaining three weeks of my life. With only one week left I had managed to learn everything to perfection. The only thing that was left were, as James puts it, dancing lessons.

"And one, two, three ..."


"Oh my god, Padfoot I'm so sorry!"

For the past two hours James has been trying, and VERY hard, to teach me how to ballroom dance, but I think the only thing I've managed to accomplish is breaking Sirius's toes. He let out a sigh. "Paws you're doing it all wrong. You have to let him lead, it's not that hard." I let out a scoff. "Well James give me a break, you were practically born to do this, I was not." I crossed my arms. Remus, who had been occasionally looking up from his book and found the whole situation amusing, spoke up. "For someone who took ballet classes for almost ten years it is uncanny how you look like a fawn caught on ice."

I glared at him. "Why don't you try it then!" He smirked. "I'm not the one our dear Padfoot asked to go with." My frustration had been building and I was ready to launch myself at him before Sirius stopped me.

James snapped his fingers to pull my attention back. "It's simple Paws, all you have to do is let go control. Allow me to demonstrate." He then walked over to Peter who was also entertained by my lack of elegance, as James puts it.

"My dear Wormtail, would you do me the honours." Peter let out a laugh before answering. "It would be my pleasure Prongs." They both then walked towards where Sirius and I stood. James turned to look at Remus. "Some music porfavore maestro." Remus lifted his wand and the record player once again started.

I have to say, though James and Peter looked comically dancing together, they moved with such grace and delicacy as if they were floating on air. The song ended and Remus started to clap while Sirius let out a wolf whistle. "Maybe I should take you instead huh Prongs. Give my dear old mother a real surprise." He laughed. "Hush, Padfoot we still have much to work on." James chastised him. He grabbed my wrist and then Sirius's, leading us back to the centre of the common room. "Now let's try this again."

Sirius took my hand, placing the other in my back, and I put mine on his shoulders. I was looking down at my feet, trying to remember the steps James had shown me. Right foot front, step left foot... "Hey." Sirius whispered, making me look into his eyes. "Don't think too much about it." Closing my eyes I let out a long breath as the music started playing. Instead of focusing on every step, and what I may do wrong I kept looking at Sirius in the eye. Suddenly everything fell into step, the world around us seemed to face and the only thing I could focus on was Sirus. The glint in his eyes, or how this close you could see a hint of blue in them, and the little crinkle on his nose that indicated his smile. Nothing else mattered.

Lost in my little world I forgot that we in fact weren't the only ones in the room. "I can't believe it. I did it." James said, looking at us so effortlessly moving around the room. Peter was also watching and even Remus had put his book down to look.

"This is going to be a disaster." Peter said above a whisper but both boys had heard and turned to look at him. Remus had pulled his hand walking out of the common room, as not to be heard and James followed. The dancing couple oblivious to their friends leaving the room.  "What did you say Wormtail?" Remus asked, slightly suspicious as to what his friend might be thinking. "Nothing." Peter was quick to reply. "No you did say something. I heard you." James spoke. "Why do you believe this is headed for disaster, did you see them?" James said, throwing his hands back at the closed door.

"That's not what I meant, I ..." but Peter had realised his mistake in his choice of words a little too late. "Do you know something, Wormtail?" Remus inquired. "I don't." He replied. "You do!" Remus exclaimed, noticing his friend's antsy behaviour. "Tell me what you know." He demanded. "I can't tell you what I know, unless you tell me what you know." Peter fought back. He had promised Sirius he wouldn't tell a soul, and he intended to keep that promise. "I won't tell you what I know, unless you tell me what you know." Remus countered back.

By now James was sure these two were having a conversation he clearly had no idea about. "Stop it! I'm a little lost on what is happening, so you two are gonna fill me in, in whatever this whole you know, I know thing this is about. So at my count you will both spill whatever it is that you're holding back." James said looking at the both of them, and they nodded. "Splendid."

"One..." James started to count. "two... three!"

"Sirius likes Prim!"

"Prim is in love with Sirius!"

Both of them looked at each other in shock. "WHAT?!" James exclaimed. "You can't honestly tell me you didn't see it coming." Peter said. "I thought she liked Amos." James answered. "She does, but she still has feelings for Sirius too." Remus replied.

"I fucked up. I should've never let them dance."


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Stay tuned messer and don't forget the mischief is not yet managed.

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