Ch191: Magnus's Database

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Thanks to Izzy's influence Magnus had been listening to the same playlist on repeat for days now, and still enjoying every moment. Ever since his sister-in-law had gotten him to watch Lucifer, Magnus couldn't get the songs out of his head. Between the Devil singing at his piano a couple times a season, and the musical episode in season five, there were a lot of songs to memorize. Not to mention all the epic songs with devilish lyrics that played in the background during the episodes. The entire show's soundtrack was well worth putting on repeat, especially while he was at work. There was nothing more monotonous than data entry, and this week Magnus was building a database for a new optical dispensary. That meant putting in frame model numbers, colour codes, dimensions and prices, both cost and retail. His least favourite type of frames were the ones missing the dimension measurements which meant he had to measure them all by hand. The next worst were probably the ones with super small print. He often had to get out a magnifier to avoid getting eye strain after squinting at tiny letters for hours.

It had been a while now since Alec and Magnus had returned home from his aunt's place. His aunt's explanation had helped, but Magnus had been feeling more like himself ever since confessing everything to his husband and getting such a warm loving response in return. The whole experience had clarited something for Magnus. It no longer mattered what Magnus was worthy of. All that mattered was how Alec felt, and Alec loved him unconditionally so Magnus would be happy till the end of his days.

Even so his husband was still a spoiled brat. Alec had been trying to convince Magnus to quit his job since the day they'd arrived back home. Magnus had cut his hours down to four days a week so with his one day of volunteering at the museum a week it worked out to a standard 5 days on 2 days off schedule like he used to have before Magnus had started using his job to hide from his life. He suspected that Alec mostly wanted him to quit because Alec now associated Magnus's working with Magnus's pulling away from him. Magnus was working hard to repair this association by giving his husband endless love and attention the moment he got home from work every day.

And speaking of which his work day was almost over. Just a few more minutes and he'd be on his way home to kiss his better half. As he was getting ready to leave, Magnus checked his phone. To his surprise he had quite a few messages from Alec, all of which didn't actually say much.

'I have news,' Alec's first message read, but he didn't stop there. 'Call me when you can.'

'Oh come on you get breaks don't you! I don't want to tell you over text.'

'Have I told you lately that you work too much? Well you do. Mom has already called me three times, but you haven't even answered my text.'

'Only an hour left till five. Finally'

'Half and hour.'

'Ten minutes.'

'Okay you are probably about to read all of those. Just know that even if I am crazy you are stuck with me. Love you.'

Magnus couldn't help but chuckle at the messages. Clearly something major had happened in the Lightwood family. Checking the delivery time on the messages, Magnus realized he must have forgotten to check his messages at lunch time. Oh well. Nothing he could do about it now.

Magnus replied to his husband's chain of text spam with a simple, 'See you soon' and then left. There was a bus stop just one block from Magnus's work, and the bus arrived just ten minutes after the end of his shift so Magnus almost never let Alec waste his time and gasoline to come pick him up. Failing that Alec had insisted that Magnus call his car their car and take it to work himself which Magnus did allow. On some occasions when the weather was bad or Magnus had a particularly horrible day at work, he would cave, and call his husband for a ride home. It was nice to always know there was someone there for him, even if he technically didn't need the ride.

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