Finale Author's Note

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Congratulations on reaching the end of this rather long story. I hope you enjoyed reading it. If you didn't, I do wonder how you managed to make it all the way to the end. This story is the length of over FIVE average novels. If you weren't enjoying yourself please by all means STOP and do something else. Though I guess that advice is too little too late since if you are reading this it means you have reached the end. Unless you are one of those people who like to check out the end before you start. It can be a rather helpful way to see if a story is worth reading and by all means go for it, just don't blame me if you get spoiled. Though I suppose spoiling a love story doesn't really work since we all know how this was gonna end: Happily Ever After.

Seven years ago today I set out to challenge myself by planning a story without an end. I set out to start with plots where every character was as far from where I wanted them to be as possible so I could take the long way around and drag this shit out!

So I started with:

-Jace as a player, shown not just hinted at like most of the stories I've heard
-Clary with Simon in one sided relationship
-Magnus a broken open book who's given up on love
-Alec out of the closet but otherwise a mystory

And for the first time I added Tessa as a main character to one of my stories though I feel like I must apologize to my Tessa readers since she kinda got left out alot in later chapters. I didn't do it on purpose. I just forgot to add her and then when I did remember, I realized I didn't have any ideas for a chapter for her so I did a different pov. She was harder to link up with the other characters since she had the baby. It's sad but true that isolation is a big problem for new moms. I guess Tessa turned out to be no exception.

Anyway, so there I am writing the first few chapters of R&S before it even had a name, thinking I wonder how long I drag this out? Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine getting this far! For those of you who have taken this journey with me thank you and for those of you who just binge read this seven years worth of story in one weekend, more power to you! Damn that is some speed reading. No clue how you do that but I am impressed.

This is the longest story I've ever attempted and I think it will likely remain the longest story I ever attempt. Trying to keep details right in a story this long is just not worth it. I am so absolutely certain there are continuity errors somewhere in this story. Some plotlines weren't planned until later chapters so I likely did something in those earlier ones that contradicted what I hadn't written yet. The continuity of this story reminds me of a really long running tv show where the writers have forgotten what they wrote in season one by the time they get to season nine. I hope you can forgive these errors as I do not have the energy or desire to fix them. I know there are typos and other less continuity style errors as well. I have had three editors for this story over the years but seven years is a long time and they had all moved on by the time I reached the end, leaving many chapters with only me to edit them. I hope despite all this the story is at the very least understandable and at the best enjoyable.

DFTBA and thanks for taking the time to read Roommates and Soulmates. It was the 3rd TMI/Malec story I ever uploaded and today it could quite possibly be the last one I ever mark as complete. With fourteen other stories completed between the start and end of R&S it's been a crazy seven years, and I wouldn't change those years for anything, but it's time for me to move on and write for fandoms.


As tradition with all my stories at the end I publish any extra notes or timelines that I created along the way. In some of my more canon stories I also tend to add in all the references and direct quotes and such that I took from the canon. This story however I made an effort to do things in the opposite way as typical fanfics, at least at the start. By the end, most of the characters are all pretty much where we expect them to be, but at least the journey had more zing to it. ;)

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