Ch167: Paige's Bed

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When Magnus had asked her if Clary could move in, Paige hadn't even thought twice about her answer. Sure they'd had some awkward conversations, but that was all behind them now and Paige was looking forward to seeing more of her friend.

Though, of course, it wasn't just that. In her current state of mind, she hadn't the will to refuse a favour. Just thinking about Jon always put a smile on her face, and how could she say no while smiling?

August was almost over, which meant that it had been more than two months since her first date with Jon last June. Paige knew that technically two months wasn't very long, but it didn't seem to matter. There was something different this time around. Paige couldn't quite put her finger on what, but she knew in her heart what it meant.

"What's Jon saying now?" Alec sighed as he turned to look at her.

Paige jumped a little and looked up from her phone. "How'd you know who's texting me?" she asked, surprised.

"From that huge smirk on your face," Alec chuckled. Paige blushed. "Oh and the colour of your cheeks."

Before Paige could do more than awkwardly mumble, Chairman Meow decided he was more important than her texting and jumped up on her lap to rub up against the phone.

"Chairman," Paige whined. "You're adding random letters."

Alec's sniggering turned into real laughter as he watched the antics of his cat. "Go bother someone else," Paige continued to whine, looking down at the feline in her lap.

"Meow!" Chairman said in reply, turning around to stick his butt in her face. Before Paige could do more than express her disgust at this turn of events, the cat had decided to lay down on both her arms, pinning them against her.

"I think he wants your attention on him instead of your phone," Alec laughed.

"Ya think?" Paige laughed. Awkwardly reaching from under the cat, she set her phone down and let the kitty have his way. Chairmen purred like a freight train.

"I wish Catsby was this active," Alec sighed. "Poor thing's so low energy these days."

"Yeah," Paige replied sadly. "How old is he now?"

"About thirteen and a half," Alec answered. "And he's been on thyroid medication for over a year now."

"Still pretty young for a cat," Paige observed. "One of my parents' cats lived to be 21."

"Wow that's a crazy old cat," Alec replied, then added in a more somber voice. "Though I doubt Catsby will live that long. Time has not been kind to him." He turned to look at Chairman Meow who was still holding Paige hostage. "You better live to a very ripe old age Mister."

"Meow," Chairman said, as he rubbed his head up against Paige's chin.

"How's the new car working out?" Paige asked after a moment.

"Awesome," Alec said. "I should have asked mom and dad for one years ago."

"Why didn't you?"

"Well when I had classes and lived on campus I pretty much never left the university, so what was the point of a car? Then I moved in with Magnus and he always insisted the bus was good enough," Alec explained. "We only really ever took a taxi when we needed to get a lot of groceries all at once or take Catsby to the vet. And if it was for groceries we'd only take a cab back." Alec shrugged. "Besides I never much liked driving. I only got my license because mom and dad bought me driving lessons for my sixteenth birthday."

"I thought all spoiled rich kids loved driving," Paige chuckled.

"Hey," Alec whined. "Driving isn't that awesome. Personally I'd rather have someone else drive or get things delivered."

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