Ch155: Simon's Philosophy

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"What do you guys have planned?" Izzy asked him as Simon hunted for his wallet which he could have sworn he'd put in his pants pocket.

"Nothing much," Simon shrugged, giving up the search for a moment to face her. "Just catching up. I want to hear about Paris, and I think she wants details about everything that went down with Jordan and Paige."

"Fun," Izzy said, but Simon could tell she was forcing a smile. After so long he knew his girlfriend well enough to read the little tells in her body language.

Grinning at what he saw, Simon gave up the search to move closer, and wrapped his arms around her from behind.

"You're cute when you're jealous," Simon whispered in her ear.

"As if," Izzy scoffed.

"Hmmm hmm," Simons mumbed against her cheek before turning her in his arms. Now face to face, Simon leaned down to kiss her sweetly, stroking his fingers through her silky hair.

"I had more with you in those first twenty minutes than I had with her in two years," Simon reminded his beautiful, if slightly insecure, girlfriend in hushed tones. "But please do save some of this jealousy for later. It looks good on you."

Izzy blushed and opened her mouth as if to protests, but Simon silenced her with another kiss, this time really getting into it. He knew he'd succeed at distracting her when he felt her melt into his touch.

"Hmmm," Izzy mumbled, her arms wrapped around him and his lips moved against her neck.

"I love you, Isabelle Lightwood," Simon whispered again.

Then he pulled away and added, "And I'll be back after I spent the afternoon with my oldest friend."

He kissed her one last time on the forehead before darting out the door. He thought he heard something thud against the door as he closed it, and surmised that Izzy had thrown a pillow at him.

Laughing to himself Simon started walking. It was a beautiful June day. The sun was shining, but even if the weather had been dreary, Simon would have been smiling. Clary's return was the icing on top of his already glorious happy cake. He was done with school, and taking a little 'me time' before looking for a better job. He had a beautiful girlfriend who he always looked forward to seeing, and his best friend was finally back in town. Life was good. In fact, life had never been better.

Walking down to the bus stop Simon could feel the sun's warmth on the back of his neck while a light breeze cooled his skin. You really couldn't ask for better weather.

When he saw that shock of red hair running down the sidewalk towards him, Simon waved both hands in the air as if trying to land an airplane. When she finally crashed into him, Simon almost fell over.

"SIMON!" Clary shouted.

"That's my name," he chuckled. "Don't wear it out."

"Simon, Simon, Simon, Simon, Sherwin, Smedley, Sheldon, Seamus," Clary continued.

"Hey no," Simon laughed. "Those aren't all me."

"No shit, Sherlock," Clary laughed. He gave her a look and she added, "Okay, I'm done now."

"Good," Simon huffed, pretending to be offended. "I thought we were meeting at the park?"

Clary shrugged. "I felt like running," she explained.

"Why?" Simon laughed.

"The air taste so good here!" Clary explained.

"You can't taste air silly," Simon reminded her.

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